Links to Manning information |
Re: History on Manning -- Mary Bartelson |
Posted by: David Kusel |
Hi Mary, Here are several web pages I have listed for your daughter so she can gather information about Manning for her report. Probably the best information I have is the Manning Centennial Book I placed on the Internet. On the above link you'll find some information about O.H. Manning (page 13) who our town was named after. Your daughter may also want to report on the long time Manning tradition of Nicknames. Here is the Manning Hausbarn web page. This web page gives some generalized meanings of many Manning names and their German background. This web page has all of the Graduates of Manning listed from 1888 to present. This web page shows some comparison pictures of early and present day Manning.
All of the above links and many more can be found on my main web page. Hope this helps some. Dave |