Re: Timmons & Parish names
Re: Timmons & Parish names -- Bill Timmons
Posted by: David Kusel
Fri, Feb 07, 2003, 21:00:40

Hi Bill,

I have a database of the city records and it mentions Clarence, Emma, Henry, Earl & George Parish.
It also lists Grandpa Parish & Grandma Parish as two more seperate names.
I wonder if they are Matthias & Mary Parish?
Floyd Thomas Parkhouse is also listed in this lot with the Parish names.
Do you know of a Parkhouse family connection?

Here are the Parish names listed in the Manning Cemetery.

Section A row #21 north - south
Earl H. Parish 1885 - 1957
George F. Parish 1886 - 1973

row #22 south - north
Clarence B. Parish 1877 - 1950
Emma F. Parish 1861 - 1964
Henry H. Parish 1850 - 1930

Hope this helps some.
Dave Kusel

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