The Stars And Stripes
Friday, August 3, 1945
Vol. 1 No. 143
Southern France Edition

Score Remains 85 Points
700,000 With Lower Credits Out by June 1

The discharge score will remain it 85 points "for some months," but by next June all men now eligible for release plus 700,000 not now eligible will be out of the Army, the War Department announced today.
After 800,000 men who now have 85 or more points have been discharged, scores will be revised to give some credit for service after May 12, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson announced. He said 700,000 men-----"a substantial part" of them from the Pacific would get out under the revised score.

The discharge score for Wacs will remain at 44 "for the present," Stimson said. Five thousand Wacs currently are eligible for release and 1,100 already are out. By next June another 6,000 will be discharged under the provision which permits married Wacs to get out if their husbands leave the service.

System for Officers Stimson said that although there would be no critical score for officers, their individual scores likewise would be recomputed later. He said the Army would give special consideration to officers with lengthy overseas and hazardous service. He estimated 100,000 officers would be out by June 1.
Since V-E Day, 13,000 have been discharged. Stimson said the 800,000 men with 85 or more points "are all military necessity and the exigencies of transportation will enable us to discharge for some months."

By July 31, 235,000 had been released.
Previously the War Department had announced it would consider 85 points an "interim" score, to be used as a basis for discharges until a "critical" score could be computed from individual Adjusted Service Rating Cards from all theaters.

At that time the Army said it expected to release 1,300,000 men within a year. Today's announcement listed 1,500,000 as the goal by June 1.

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