Freeland "Bake" & Anna "Pat" Valentine 1942

"Bake" & "Pat"

Freeland "Bake" & Anna Lucille (Patrick) Valentine in Ida Grove

Saba Saba Bakery in Jefferson - Freeland in the middle

Saba Saba Bakery in Jefferson - Freeland on the left

"Bake" & Lucille

Anna Lucille (Patrick) Valentine - home along Railroad Street 1967

Anna Lucille (Patrick) Valentine holding Major
Lucille made her first dollar playing a piano for silent movies


"Pat" - possibly in Arizona after retirement

"Bake" & Lucille at home in Manning

Freeland at his parent's home in Mapleton

Freeland with his "catch"

Valentine home along Railroad Street - 2nd house from the east at that time.

Anna Lucille Patrick

Valentine home along Railroad Street


Freeland in Phoenix, Arizona, after retirement

Valentine home along Railroad Street - circa 1962

Freeland in his garden along RR Street

Pat & Freeland in Urbandale

Mapleton - Freeland with his mother Alice (Zobrist) Valentine-Silas, and her brother Edmund Valentine.

Mapleton - Alice (Zobrist) Valentine-Silas, and her son Freeland Valentine.

Freeland with "Cappy"

Winter 1962 - Ross & Darlene Graner home to northeast

Looking north-northwest from across Railroad Street
Kusel farm in the middle distant background.
Melvin Kusel was farming the field/farm just across the road to the north.

May 1962

Bake - canning tomatoes

Bake - canning tomatoes

Freeland at Patty's home in Phoenix

Roland, Pat, Bake

Pat, Patty, Bake

Pat & Bake

Mother's Day 1957 Pat Valentine, Alice (Zobrist) Valentine Sias, Freeland Valentine
Alice - mother of Freeland
Alice later married George Sias after Simon Valentine died.

1936 Patty Valentine & Carol Jean Sias Taken by Lyden Studio when Alice married George Sias

Freeland & Pat in Grandforks, Nebraska, Christmas 1965

Bake wore this green hat each St. Patrick's Day - his 67th birthday
Freeland 3/17/1905 - 6/18/1977 died in Phoenix, Arizona
Lucille 6/26/1908 - 10/8/1972

Note awning - "Brunswick Phonographs"
The Valentine family was forced to leave the home they were living in on Second Street near the Grundmeier home.
That home was given to a returning GI after WWII.
So the Valentine family moved to the upstairs level of the Mueller store, before they ended up at the home on Railroad Street.