As I continue to scan the McGrath family collection, I ran into this pose...of which I've seen quite a few like this in many other family collections from that generation.
Ironically enough, many of these little boys ended up serving in the military during WWII, and some of them died fighting for our freedoms.
I know pictures like this are offensive to many people today - who would have a different attitude if they would know their history, but way too many of them have been taught alternative history.

July 4, 1938

What a HOOT! - the older lady is holding a broom - I suppose to keep everyone in line.
The gal standing tall is holding a ladle and the gal behind a US Flag
The 2 guys in front have their jug & crock.
the boys have their toy pistols
The other lady has a water pale I guess to dowse any fires.

I would have never expected to see a picture of Eddie Johnson in this collection

Eddie Johnson in front of the Ben Franklin store 1938.
Fortunately this collection I'm scanning most of the pictures are identified/dated, except the military scrapbook.
Once I saw the ID in the scrapbook I could tell right away it was Eddie.
I doubt I would have been able to recognize him without the name listed - I don't think I have a picture of him this young.

A very common picture taken years ago...I find in most old collections.

Easter Sunday 1938

I'm very different than other genealogists and historians in that I don't have a favorite topic, subject, family interest, organization, church, etc.
I want to find and scan ALL area history, family collections - anything connected to Manning...and I take current pictures in the community, scan pictures, scan documents, news print, booklets, write stories for the Monitor, and maintain information on my web pages.
BUT I am always drawn to old farming pictures and this one below is just great, historically.
Based on the information written on the various pages of the scrapbook, before and after, this picture was taken circa 1938.

I often hear other folks brag how hard they work and how far back they can go into their family ancestry, yet they haven't learned one major lesson that I did nearly 50 years ago...that if you only concentrate on your own family history you will never discover all of the pictures and information in other family collections who have pictures and information about your family.
I often find pictures of my relatives in the collections of other Manning area families...which only stands to reason, if your ancestors immigrated here in the 1870s through the early 1900s.
Just like Eddie Johnson is in this collection, but not related to them.

Alma Schneider & Ben Kahler

This is why I make high resolution scans, so you can read the small print/details...

Denison Milling Company, Henry Zurn, Manager & Bernard Kahler, Operator

December 21, 1938

Two things caught my eye in this picture - the Doud Milling Company in the background and NO snow on the ground in late December.

I often hear people tell me that it doesn't snow like it used to, or this weather pattern is much different than they remember...
Then I tell them that unless they are Methuselah, they have absolutely no perspective that has any bearing when it comes to weather/climate, etc.

The other aspect about this picture is it always makes me angry that I wasn't able to get enough people in Manning to help me save the Doud Milling Company (brick) that was part of the Manning Ag Center...but I don't have the financial means nor the clout for things like this, I guess.

Delores "Honey" Rix - daughter of Lloyd & Frieda (Kaiser) Rix
I have a large database of nicknames and have heard a lot of them but "Honey" was new to me.

Have kids really changed that much over the decades/centuries?

The picture with the boy on the left isn't the only one I've scanned where he is sticking his tongue out during the picture taking process.
There are more negative influences on kids today, but basically they are the same based on having fun together and making faces - the basics in life.

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