Here is another unique item I purchased on E-bay.
I've scanned other leather postcards but this is a different one and even though there is no writing on the back, I wanted it to scan & preserve.

I contacted the seller, who lives in Sioux Center, to see what background information he could tell me...he purchased this and a number of other picture postcards at a sale in Orange City.
Some of the names on the postcards are listed below.
Mrs. A.F. Jonas, Jr.
C.W. Lundberg
Miss Carla Buchholz
Miss Rose Hartman
Mrs. G.E. Pritchett
Miss Mary Elizabeth Jonas
Laura Buchholz
Mrs. Carl Lundberg
Miss Helen Howard
Henry Woolworth

As far as I know none of these last names have a Manning connection.

But posting them might ring a bell with someone who might be able to determine who lived in Orange City and had a Manning connection.

Now remember that Manning had 3 different railroads, all with passenger service at this time, so picture postcard companies would sell postcards in the local businesses to passengers who visited Manning or had a stop-over and then would send a postcard back to family members, or ahead to people they would eventually go to be with.

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