Johannes Bunz 1st shop in Manning - next to Priebe

Johannes Bunz 2nd shop in Manning - north of the old blood plant

January 9, 1936 Monitor ad

Johannes Bunz 3rd shop in Manning - present day location of Caseys along 141
Glen Kusel Hatchery - west part of building

November 4, 1954 Manning Monitor
Three Men Bought Implement Firm

A business deal was made last week whereby three men formed a partnership and purchased the Knudsen Implement Company, from L.F. "Tom" Knudsen, who has been International Harvester dealer in Manning since 1945. The building which housed the business was purchased by Manning Creamery and will be used by the firm soon as auxiliary quarters.
Those buying the business wore Johannes "Hannes" Bunz, Arthur Gruhn, and Amos Kusel. Equipment, parts, appliances and machinery were moved to the Bunz property over the weekend. The firm will be known as Bunz Implement Company in the future.
Mr. Knudsen is currently recovering from a second heart attack and remains a patient in Manning Hospital. Look for the announcement of the business change in today's Monitor.

Grand Opening of Bunz Implement Company January 22, 1951
Note: Dairy Mart to the west - where years later the Dairy Sweet building was built.

Melvin "Tommy" Wolfe, Art Gruhn, Johannes Bunz, Amos Kusel, Bill Wiese - Open house

Tommy Wolfe & Hannes Bunz

Betty (Grelck) Grimm - secretary

September 18, 1952 Monitor ad