Standing: Herbert & Elsie

Hinrich & Carl Kuhl

Hinrich & Anna 25th anniversary

Hinrich & Anna

Hinrich Edmund (went by H.E. or Ed) Kuhl

Hinrich & Anna Kuhl home - north side 1910

C.L. Jahn, Lena (Jahn) Kuhl, Elsie Kuhl, Herbert Kuhl, Heinrich Edmund "Ed" Kuhl
Carl Louie Jahn was a hired hand - brother of Lena

Original washed-out and faded image

After I used my graphics software to digitally enhance and restore the scan.

Hinrich & Anna

Hinrich & Anna

Back: Herbert, Elsie
Front: Marvin, Melvina, Marcus Kuhl holding grandson, Marcus Kuhl

Herbert Kuhl - baptismal gown

Hinrich & Anna Kuhl farm
Aerial photo from my great-uncle Frank Ehrichs' collection

Hinrich with grandson, Gary Kuhl

Herb Kuhl & Hugo Wilhelm - probably at a Kuhl reunion in Ledges State Park

Back: Elsie, Lena Kuhl, Melvina
Front: Kathryn