Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy! I can't wait to start tossing the rings.

Elmer & Imelda Langel

Gene Steffes "It's Kinderfest! - Everyone is a winner!"

This is one of the most popular games/events for Kinderfest.
Partially because of all the FREE prizes Gene has for the kids to choose from - and NO entry fee.

Gene purchased all of these pumps and has modified them for the duck races and repairs them.
He also built the chutes and devised the water tanks to drain back to the pumps.
Every now & then I hear some people comment about Gene being TOO aggressive with the projects he comes up with in Manning - if more people would support you and help you then you could do even more great things in the community."I say GO FOR IT GENE! Your'e the BEST!" Dave Kusel

There is a line-up like this most of the afternoon.
For kids to wait this long shows how popular Gene's event is.
