Max Sanford was the great-great-great-grandson of Wilken Karsten and great-great-grandson of Peter, and great-grandson of Albert with Wilbur being a son of Albert.

Wilken Karsten 1838 - 1914

Tuesday afternoon about six o'clock the many friends of Wilken Karsten learned with sadness that he had died. He had been ailing for some time, but it was not thought his sickness was serious nature until nearly the last. He was a sufferer from gall trouble and although given every medical care and attention passed away at his home, Monday May 11, 1914, aged 75 years, 9 months and 11 days.

Wilken Karsten was born in Eddelak, Germany, July 22, 1838, and came to America with his wife April 30, 1883, and settled on a farm near Manning, in Warren Township, where he has since resided. He was married Nov. 26 1865, to Miss. Lena Moeller.

Ten sons and daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Karsten, nine of whom survive to mourn his death. Peter Karsten, a son, died Jan 3, 1909, aged 43 years. The surviving children are Maggie, now Mrs. Wm. Opperman, Hannas, Mary, now Mrs. Gust. Vinke, Claus, Henry, Katie, now Mrs. Herman Rowedder, August, Emil, and Emma, now Mrs. Walter Laurinat. These, his beloved wife, a multitude of friends mourn his death.

The funeral will be held this afternoon at one o'clock from the home. Rev. Gust. Tillmanns conducting the services. Kind hands will take the body to the Manning cemetery where it will be laid at rest.

The deceased was one of Manning's best known citizens. Having been a soldier in Germany he was an active member of the Krieger Verein here. He was an industrious man and for his labors has to show one of the finest farms of Carroll County. He was also an active member of the Three Mile House and Manning Schuetzen Vereins, and always was interested in their success. Many members of these organizations as well as those of the Krieger Verein, will be present at the funeral today to pass their last sad respects to their departed comrade and friend.

But one sister survives the deceased, Mrs. Peter Strove, of Davenport. She and her grand daughter are here to attend the funeral, also Mrs. John Peters and son, Henry, of Holstein, IA. and Chas. Pewe and niece Alma Pewe, of Henry, ND.

Wilken Karsten was a good neighbor, a true husband and a kind father. He will be missed by every one that knew him. The grieving relatives can feel that their many friends sympathize keenly in their deep loss.

These 2 old Karsten family pix came from the Bernice (Karstens) Schroeder collection...unfortunately they were not identified and I have not found anyone so far who has the same pictures with IDs - hopefully someday.

Wilken Karsten family
Peter Karsten, died January 3, 1909, Maggie, now Mrs. William Opperman, Hannas, Mary, now Mrs. Gustav Vinke, Claus, Henry, Katie, now Mrs. Herman Rowedder, August, Emil, and Emma, now Mrs. Walter Laurinat

Earlier picture of the family

Wilken Karsten served for the German Navy prior to immigrating to the US

Albert & John Karsten WWI

William Karsten WWI