COMING to Manning, Iowa!!!
Friday, July 3, 2020 Hausbarn Heritage Park Courtyard
7:00 p.m.
Free of charge
Bring your lawn chairs
Bar will be open

Flying Buffaloes
Flying Buffaloes is a five-piece Alt-Country/Rock band based out of East Nashville, Tennessee. Performing regularly along Nashville's neon strip, the group quickly earned the reputation of being one of the most hard-working, sonically-tight, and energetic bands in Music City.

In case you didn't know, one member of the band has a Manning connection...Danny Pratt.
While the Pratt name has all but disappeared from Manning it is deeply rooted in Manning's history...check it out down below.

Flying Buffaloes - website
Johan Stone / Lead Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Keys
Barry Stone / Lead Vocals, Guitar, Keys
Tommy Leland / Lead Guitar
Brandon Cantwell / Bass
Danny Pratt / Drums

Danny Pratt

Screen shot from "Long White Line" video

Pratt history in Manning

John Pratt MHS 1979
John & his wife Christine are the parents of Danny & Cara.

1970 Randy Nissen, Dave Kusel (birthday), John Pratt

Sandra McGrath (cousin to the Pratts), Ruth Sand (later Mrs. Dick Crandall), Carolyn Pratt (sister of John)
Sandra & Carolyn MHS 1963

Dan Pratt MHS 1965 (brother of John)

Carolyn & Dan Pratt

Kelly Pratt MHS 1968 (the 'late' brother of John)

Helen (McGrath) & Raymond Pratt

From the 2006 Maninng Quasquicentennial History Book
Raymond Pratt came to Manning in 1940 from Correctionville as co-owner of the Coast to Coast Store with his father Orin E. Pratt. Raymond and Helen Frances McGrath were married in March of 1944. They had four children. Helen died in 1985, and Raymond died in 1989. The following is an update of their children (Carolyn, Dan, Kelly, and John) and eleven grandchildren.
Carolyn and Earl Blohm continue to live on a farm near Audubon. Carolyn is a nurse at a local nursing home, and Earl, a retired farmer, works seasonally at the local co-op. They have four married daughters: Sue and Gene Mardesen, Mary and Rodney Ratzlaff, Ellen and Keith Workman, and Stephanie and Brett Nissen. Carolyn and Earl have nine grandchildren.
Dan married Angela Kusel. They have two children and one grandson.
Kelly was a salesman for dairy cultures in Europe; he lived in Germany until his death in 1991 at the age of forty-one. His wife Petra and daughter Elena continue to live in Germany. Elena Pratt turned eighteen on May 6, 2005. Kelly's two adult stepchildren Eveline and Frank live in Europe as well. Petra and Elena make periodic trips to the United States to visit the other Pratt families.
John K. and Christine (Wirt) Pratt live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. John is a chemist with Abbott Laboratory and Christine teaches eighth-grade science. Their two children Daniel and Cara are actively involved in the local high school.
The extended Pratt family continues to reunite at various family locations about once a year. Janie (Pratt) Callen (Ray's sister) and husband Ed continue their long-time residence in Sitka, Alaska. John A. (Ray's brother) and Joann (Wilhelm) Pratt live in Becker, Minnesota. The families last gathered in Minnesota in 2004 to celebrate John and Joann's 50th wedding anniversary.

Jane (Pratt) Callen, Orin Pratt, Mary Pratt
Linda, Lisa, Glynis, Gail - John & JoAnn Pratt's children

Mildred "Jane" Pratt (aunt to John, greataunt to Danny)

John Pratt MHS 1950 (uncle to John, greatuncle to Danny)

Ray Pratt circa 1915 (father to John, grandfather to Danny)

Austin & Martha (Albright) Pratt (parents of Orin, great-great-grandparents of Danny)

Martha (Albright) Pratt with Raymond

Helen (McGrath) Pratt 1956 Legion Auxiliary president

Ray Pratt 1946-47 Legion Commander

Ray Pratt right front - unknown parade

Paul Vollmer & Ray Pratt standing guard at Ohde Funeral home....
Daryl Mohr's body was repatriated after WWII.

Kelly Pratt & David J. Schroeder 1966

Kelly Pratt (left) January 19, 1968 MHS at Manilla

Bruce "Stump" Rutz, Kelly Pratt & Ron Arp 1966

Ray Pratt visiting with manager Floyd "Mac" McCammond at the Diamond DX station.

August 1, 1940, ad in the Monitor

December 20, 1945

Ronnie Hiatt & Ray Pratt "Crazy Days" on Main Street

Angela Kusel & Kelly Pratt - servers for Doug Kusel's graduation 1966

MHS 1960-61 Bullpups

Back: Coach Charles Brotherton, Jeff Musfeldt, Phil Sextro, John Doyel, John Stein, Dennis Ohde
Front: Tom Schroeder, Albert "Butch" Jansen, Curtis Grimm, Dan Pratt, Don Kingsberry

Possibly sang at the 1956 Diamond Jubilee in Manning

Carroll, Iowa Elks club chorus - Ray Pratt front right.
Back row #1 Orville "Bud" Harris, #2 Roland Valentine, #4 Clifford "Bud" Johnson
Third row: 3rd from RIGHT is Bill Jensen, Jr.

Claus Bunz & Ray Pratt - promoters for the newly built Manning Plaza 1966

Dan Pratt at the Kusel home 1965

Jeremy Pratt, Sean Pratt & Nina Pratt - with great-grandmother and grandmother Dorothy Kusel

Great-grandmother Dorothy Kusel with Hallie & Laynie Pratt

Joann (Wilhelm) & John Pratt - Zion Lutheran Church in Manning

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