I constantly write about the "THROW" scenario and this is just one more example.
Fortunately, the current owner (one of my relatives) contacted me about scanning this history before he sends it to them.
I'm constantly begging in my articles to let me scan old pictures and history before anyone with Manning history sends it to relatives in other towns and states...once it is no longer here I'll never get a chance again to add it to my digital database.
My second cousin, once removed, Dennis Barten recently gave me this nice selection of old items of John & Pauline Barten to scan before sending it out of town to another relative.
He had also captured a number of old Monitor obituaries in printed form that I could scan & OCR and convert to text.
I now have them added to my obituary page linked on the left side of my main web page.
There are also a couple of incomplete obits that I hope someone will be able to complete for me, and I'm also looking for some death dates and also first or maiden names
to make more complete obituaries.
So if you have any of this information, please send it my way.
Here are some pix and unique documents from the Barten collection...
Luise Pauline Mueller baptism document
Sophia was a sister to my grandmother, Ida (Grau) Kusel.
Pauline Müller Barten confirmation
Before digital repair
Translation by Dennis.
A very unique document from WWI - very rare and not kept in later years by many families probably because they felt it was anti-German ancestral sentiment.
This is why we should NEVER destroy any of our history!!!
Whether it be documents, books, pictures, statues, or monuments like we see being done in the big cities today.