Inside Lamp Confidential Book by C Lamp and Metal Detecting
Sheryl Musfeldt: Inside Lamp Confidential Book by C Lamp and Metal Detecting
Apr 18th, 2020 11:03 am
I am interested in finding a copy of Inside Lamp Confidential by C Lamp to read. If you have one to borrow out or sell reasonably priced let me know. Thanks
Also looking for information on places dad and I can metal detect. Old school house locations, old house locations (from the 1800's), places you may have lost a important jewelry item, etc...Appreciate any help given!
re: Inside Lamp Confidential Book by C Lamp and Metal Detecting by Barbara Drees Herr
Jun 22nd, 2023 11:23 am
Did you ever find the Inside Lamp Confidential book? I have one you could borrow.
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