Schroders/Schroeders of Hayes Twp Cemetery
Jennifer McAllister: Schroders/Schroeders of Hayes Twp Cemetery
Nov 19th, 2017 8:16 am
I am trying to determine if the Peter and Anna D. Schroder (Schröder with the umlaut) buried in Hayes Township Cemetery (Crawford County) are related in any way to my Schroeder ancestors who happen to be buried right next to Peter and Anna D in Hayes Township Cemetery.
My ancestors are Heinrich F. and Anna C. (Schroder) Schroeder. Heinrich F.'s parents are Friedrich (born 1830) and Auguste (born 1829) Schroder (with the umlaut) and are buried next to Heinrich F. and Anna C. in Hayes Township Cemetery. Anna C.'s maiden name was also Schroder (with the umlaut), so she was Anna C. (Schroder) Schroeder. Her parents were Johannes Heinrich (born 1821) and Christine (born 1830) (David) Schroder and they are buried in Clinton County, Iowa.

So, we are just guessing that Peter and Anna D. Schroder may be related to either Anna C. or Heinrich F., but then again, it may just be coincidence that they are all buried in the same row next to each other as Schroder/Schroeder is such a common name.

Per their stones, Peter Schroder died 21 July 1887 at the age of 82 years, 6 months. Anna D. died 2 Nov 1896 at the age of 81 years, 11 months, 8 days. The stones are very difficult to read, so this may not be exactly correct, but at least the year of each of their deaths is pretty clear on the stones. I did find an 1880 Crawford County census record for a Peter and Anna Schroder (75 years old and 67 years old, respectively) living with and listed as "father" and "mother" to Georj Schroeder (head), age 32, farmer, and Kattie (wife), age 28, housekeeper.
Georj is more than likely a typo and should be George or Georg.

Does anyone know if there is a family relationship between Peter and Anna D. Schroder and Heinrich F. and/or Anna C. (Schroder) Schroeder?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
re: Schroders/Schroeders of Hayes Twp Cemetery by Bill Jentzen
Aug 15th, 2023 2:06 pm
Reply to Donna Smith in Dupont, WA (July 28, 2023 posting) regarding information about "CARL LUDVIG SCHRODER".

My father also is a descendent of Schleswig-Holstein immigrants who settled in the Carroll County - Crawford County, Iowa area, so I know the challenges of finding past records for genealogical information. My grandmother and my great-grandparents from Germany are all buried in Carroll/Crawford, Iowa, which I have been researching since 1997.

I tried to trace your heritage to see if we might by chance be related, but I didn't find a connection. However, I found a gravesite on FIND-A-GRAVE website in the Arcadia Township Cemetery, Arcadia, Iowa that may be of interest to you:

born: December 15, 1875
died: April 25, 1878

Son of: Heinrich & Alviena SCHRODER

I was unable to find an obituary or death notice in the local newspapers to verify the gravestone inscription, because I realize Heinrich's wife name does not match "Anna".

Hope this is helpful.

Bill Jentzen
Kennewick, WA
re: Schroders/Schroeders of Hayes Twp Cemetery by Donna L. Smith
Jul 28th, 2023 5:50 pm
July 28, 2023

WAS GIVEN, RATHER THAN Henry William, the father's surname, Schoder!

Mr Kusel:

I contacted you about a year ago and you discovered an old mystery: the death of Ann (Annie) Jensen,
four year old daughter of Jens Peter and Nancy (Goundry) Jensen.

I am now seeking death/burial place information on Carl Ludwig Schroder (or with surname Jensen, if Anna's
maiden name was given to Carl). Carl Ludwig was firstborn son of Henry William and Anna Maria Schroder.
The three from Schleswig-Holstein boarded the train from Prussia to Hamburg, to sail Steamship Hammonia
to America. They arrived in New York City in 1887, their final to be destination to be Carroll CO Iowa.

Carl was born in either 1884, or after May 10, 1885, date that Henry W. and Anna were married in KristKirchen
(in Tonder Denmark). Before Henry sailed to Europe to marry, he had completed a set of citizenship papers,
and supposedly was living somewhere near Jens P and Nancy, Anna's brother's family in Iowa (1884).

Once Schroder's arrived in N Y, New York they remained only temporarily, then set out by train for Iowa, to be
near the Jensen family. Carl was only 3 years of age in 1887.

Enroute to Iowa, or shortly after they arrived in Iowa, Carl died, 1887 to 1889. He was buried somewhere
along the way, as a mortician's business card was presented to the family. The morticians name, business,
and location were not identified on the card. The Victorian card had an artistic display of colored roses
encircling a German Scripted message: "Child never think I am alone, because God will always be with you."

Unfortunately, information was never passed down through my grandparent's and parent's generations.
Carl was firstborn, in Tonder Denmark area, Schleswig-Holstein, province of Prussia in 1887. He was my
grandmother's (Sophia) older brother. Sophia(e) was born in Omaha NE, 1889. I do not know how Carl died,
where he died, or where he is buried. I am seeking his death/burial information, but would accept any
relevant history, should it be uncovered. I do have genealogical history on the Jens P and Nancy family.

Donna Smith
Dupont, WA
re: Schroders/Schroeders of Hayes Twp Cemetery by David Kusel
Jul 28th, 2023 3:01 pm
re: Schroders/Schroeders of Hayes Twp Cemetery by David Kuchel
Sep 29th, 2018 1:56 pm
I see nobody has helped you yet. Maybe I can. I'm a Schroeder descendent and I'm thinking that it is not a coincidence that they're buried together. They are here for a reason. If you're still out there please email back and maybe we can compare notes. Upon talking to my mother (whose maiden name is Schroeder) we came to the conclusion that most, if not all Schroeders/Schroders in the area are from the same family. She told that when she was a child that most, if not all, Schroeders that weren't descended from her great great grandfather Joachim Ludwig Schroeder were considered "from the other Schroeder family". Meaning that they were descended from one of Joachim Ludwig's brothers or cousins. Joachim Ludwig and his wife, Margaretha, are buried in Center Grove Cemetery, Clinton County, Iowa. I have a lot of distant relatives in that area. But when your talking about somebody who grew up in Aspinwall, Iowa, who doesn't.

I've run into a few roadblocks when researching the Schroeders beyond the line that I come from, but, again, maybe I can help. Anyway, I wish you luck in your research.

Dave Kuchel
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