July 28, 2023
WAS GIVEN, RATHER THAN Henry William, the father's surname, Schoder!
Mr Kusel:
I contacted you about a year ago and you discovered an old mystery: the death of Ann (Annie) Jensen,
four year old daughter of Jens Peter and Nancy (Goundry) Jensen.
I am now seeking death/burial place information on Carl Ludwig Schroder (or with surname Jensen, if Anna's
maiden name was given to Carl). Carl Ludwig was firstborn son of Henry William and Anna Maria Schroder.
The three from Schleswig-Holstein boarded the train from Prussia to Hamburg, to sail Steamship Hammonia
to America. They arrived in New York City in 1887, their final to be destination to be Carroll CO Iowa.
Carl was born in either 1884, or after May 10, 1885, date that Henry W. and Anna were married in KristKirchen
(in Tonder Denmark). Before Henry sailed to Europe to marry, he had completed a set of citizenship papers,
and supposedly was living somewhere near Jens P and Nancy, Anna's brother's family in Iowa (1884).
Once Schroder's arrived in N Y, New York they remained only temporarily, then set out by train for Iowa, to be
near the Jensen family. Carl was only 3 years of age in 1887.
Enroute to Iowa, or shortly after they arrived in Iowa, Carl died, 1887 to 1889. He was buried somewhere
along the way, as a mortician's business card was presented to the family. The morticians name, business,
and location were not identified on the card. The Victorian card had an artistic display of colored roses
encircling a German Scripted message: "Child never think I am alone, because God will always be with you."
Unfortunately, information was never passed down through my grandparent's and parent's generations.
Carl was firstborn, in Tonder Denmark area, Schleswig-Holstein, province of Prussia in 1887. He was my
grandmother's (Sophia) older brother. Sophia(e) was born in Omaha NE, 1889. I do not know how Carl died,
where he died, or where he is buried. I am seeking his death/burial information, but would accept any
relevant history, should it be uncovered. I do have genealogical history on the Jens P and Nancy family.
Donna Smith
Dupont, WA