Andrew Michaelsen: Schroeder, Rostock, Wiese, Eggers, Ketelsen, Boyens, Siem, Vogt, Wunder |
Aug 19th, 2013
11:16 am
Looking for German connections between Carroll and Crawford Counties and Clinton County Iowa for the following families: Schroeder, Rostock, Wiese, Eggers, Ketelsen, Boyens, Siem, Vogt and Wunder.
My great-great grandparents include Otto (1829-1918) and Wiebke Rostock Schroeder. Wiebke died in Germany and Otto married Margareta Wiese (maiden name unknown 1822-1913). When they immigrated to the Clinton County, the band included five of Ottos’ children and two of Margareta’s.
Johannes Schroeder (1857-1880) – died the year he arrived
Dora Schroeder (1859-1952) – married Henry Vogt and then August Gosch
August Schroeder (1860-1928) – married Emma Valendorf
Herman Schroeder (1862-1941) – married Catherine Boyens
Chris Schroeder (1864-1953) – married Hermine (Minnie) Kruse
Bertha Wiese (1860-1951) – married George Vogt
Claus Wiese (searching)
All of the Schroeder’s and their spouses, with the exceptions of Chris (Preston Cemetery) and Claus Wiese (unknown), rest at Ingwersen Cemetery, about halfway between Elvira and Goose Lake, in Center Township, Clinton County, Iowa. The original family farm was in Deep Creek Township, but they later retired to Charlotte, in Waterford Township.
The children were hired out for the first year and reunited the second year on the new farm. Herman and Claus were servants / farm hands for Nick Ingwersen at the time of the 1880 census.
Dora married Henry Vogt in Carroll or Crawford County and made their home in Hayes. The following was provided from David Kusel from the Aspinwall Centennial Book:
In 1886, we have a reference to a Mr. Vogt, who "attends the wants of those needing blacksmithing or wagon work"; he apparently sold the business to Andrew Boyens, who had learned the blacksmith's trade in Germany and had worked in Manning for about a year before moving to Aspinwall. Boyens and his wife Elizabeth lived in the house next to the blacksmith shop which he owned for 12 years. It was announced in the December 17, 1897 Manning Monitor that Boyens had sold his blacksmith shop to Henry Kuser of Logan, although Mr. Boyens would retain possession of the shop until March 1. Boyens rented the Ahlert property and lived there for two years before moving to a farm in Iowa Township.
The following is from 1911 Wolfe's History of Clinton County, Iowa:
Otto B. Roenfeldt was born and reared on the farm and attended the common schools, and for one year was a student at the Clinton high school. He was married on September 23, 1903, to Ella, the daughter of Henry and Dora Vogt, of Clinton county. Her father was American born and her mother a native of Germany. Her father was long a blacksmith, residing at Goose Lake, this county, and was well known for miles about. He died on November 21, 1900, of appendicitis, and was buried at Ingwersen cemetery. His wife still resides at Goose Lake. Dora was the eldest of four children.
The Vogt siblings were born in Scott County, moved to Clinton County and then on to Crawford County.
Mary Vogt (1854-1929) – married John Albert and Hannes Wunder
Henry Vogt (1857-1900) – married Dora Schroeder
George Vogt (1858-1924) – married Bertha Wiese
Caroline (Lena) Vogt (1861-after 1929) – married Mathias Hansen
Mary Vogt’s sister-in-laws Bertha (Wiese) Vogt and Dora (Schroeder / Vogt) Gosch) both attended her funeral in Manning. Bertha was living in Charlotte and Dora Clinton. Bertha and Dora were step-sisters married to the brothers Henry and George Vogt. Henry and Dora’s son Herman was a partner in the Manning hardware store when he moved west. Herman married Laura Reimer on 1909 in Manning, Iowa.
My great grandparents included Herman and Catherine Boyens Schroeder.
Catherine worked as a servant for her sister Anne Boyens Siem in Manning at the time of the 1885 census. Somehow, Herman and Catherine ended up married and farming in Waterford Township, Clinton County, finally retiring to Charlotte, Iowa. Catherine’s parents are Andrew and Katherine Eggers Boyens. It seems like they stayed in Germany. There does not appear to be a direct relationship to the two other Boyens family trees in Crawford County.
Anna Boyens - married Henry Siem
Andrew Boyens (1861-1943) – married Elizabeth Rohr
Henry Boyens - stayed in Germany
Karl Boyens - stayed in Germany
Catherina Boyens (1864-1950) – married Herman Schroeder
Williams Boyens (1866-1954) – married Fredrika Rohr and moved to Nebraska
Agnes Boyens (searching) - married Mr. Meier and showed up in Omaha
David Kusel’s collection has several Boyens’s obituaries, including Andrew, his wife and their children and grandchildren. Andrew bought the blacksmith shop in Aspinwall from his sister’s brother-in-law. It may be a coincidence, but there were probably other connections. Andrew lived the final years of his life with his sister in Charlotte, Iowa.
The Siem family has been more difficult to track. Henry / Hans died and disappeared between 1900 and 1910. He was listed as a shoemaker at West Side in Crawford County for the 1880 census. Anna Boyens Siem is buried at Elmwood Cemetery in DeWitt, Iowa, with two of her children. Catherine Boyens was listed as a servant for her sister and Henry in Manning during the 1885 census. Anna Siem’s son William Siem was living with Catherine Boyens Schroeder when he was a teenager during the 1900 census. He later returned to Manning and was listed as an out of town attendee at Catherine Boyens Schroeder’s funeral in Charlotte.