I had some information on the Meggers of Clinton County, Iowa and expanded my search to include Magdelena.
Anna Magdelena Huber Meggers was born in Germany on 21 December 1845 and died in Iowa on 22 September 1920. Her final resting place is with her husband Peter Meggers at Morgan Cemetery in Schleswig, Iowa. With the date of death, David Kusel might find someone to look for her obituary to gather additional data. Her head stone has Anna M. Meggers with the dates of her birth and death. Her death certificate read Anna Magdalena Meggers. Similar data could be gathered from Peter’s obituary. He was born on 28 January 1848 and died on 1 April 1937.
There are many more Hubers than Meggers in Iowa, so the Meggers are a little easier to research. David Kusel is in western Iowa and I am from eastern Iowa. He has been very helpful tracking my relatives who headed west from Clinton County to Crawford or Carrol Counties and visa-versa.
Magdelena Huber’s name is spelled many ways on public documents. The public servants were not always well educated, making the transposition from heavy German accent to English tricky. Her name shows as Magdealena Cuber, Magdalena Huver, Magdeline Huber, Magdalene Hubert and Lena Meggers. On her death certficate, her father’s name was Jurgen Huber. No name was given for her mother, so the survivors did not know or forgot her mother’s name.
She married Peter Meggers in Clinton, Iowa on 10 June 1872. Clinton, Iowa was a good starting point for immigrants because of the railroads and lumber industry. It was more heavily settled about 20 years before Manning. There were about as many Meggers buried in Clinton as in the Manning, Iowa area. There are many more Hubers in Iowa, split about 50% to 50% Catholic and Protestant. This is a rough estimate based on the cemetery names.
The Meggers in Clinton County were always considered to be “well off” or “better off” than most. They were successful farmers and had a smaller family due to infant mortaility. They were nieghbors of my Schroeder and Boyens ancestors. There were other Meggers, possbility a branch, that held middle and upper management positions at the large Clinton saw mills.
If you could provide some information on Magdalena, I would be willing help your research.
Andrew Michaelsen, Frisco, Texas