Information provided by Kevin Struve.

Kevin is looking for information on the families listed below. If you have information and photos please contact Dave Kusel and he will get you in contact with Kevin.


William Gruhn born 03/01/1856, Waltersdorf, Kries Mohrungen, East Prussia, Germany
deceased 03/18/1939, Manning, Iowa
married Dorothea Klautke, 11/27/1881, Germany
Dorothea Klautke born February 11, 1859, Waltersdorf, Kries Mohrungen, East Prussia, Germany
deceased May 25, 1923, Manning, Iowa

Claus Struve, son of John H. or Johannes Struve
born 09/07/1847, Holstein, Germany
deceased 01/10/1921, Manning, Iowa
married Dorothea Wunderlich, 02/16/1883 in the Lutheran Church Holstein, Germany
Dorothea Wunderlich, daughter of Jurgen Nicolaus Wunderlich and Johannah Katie Peters born 09/11/1855, Delve, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
deceased 05/29/1944, Manning, Iowa

Jurgen Nicolaus Wunderlich, had a brother Hans
born 10/04/1827, Schweinhusen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
deceased 11/07/1897, Manning, Iowa
married Johannah Katie Peters, probably around 1854
Johannah Katie Peters
Born/deceased ???

The Wunderlich family also is the intersection for several other family lines. My great grandmother, Dorothea Wunderlich Struve, had a younger sister, Anna, who married Herman Kusel and is David Kusel's great grand uncle. Their father Jurgen Nicolaus Wunderlich was married three times that I can tell. The first marriage was to a First Name Unknown Dohse, in I'm guessing about 1851; the second marriage was to Johannah Katie Peters sometime in 1854 (best guess) and the final marriage was to Agnetha Thede in about 1864. That last marriage produced a daughter, Margaretha Wunderlich, who married Heinrich Ahrendsen and became the mother of Hugo Ahrendsen and subsequent grandmother of Jon Ahrendsen.

On my mother's side, the trail ends with her grandparents, David Boldt and Fredrick William Rose.
Their information follows:
David Boldt, brother to Wilhelm and Peter Boldt
born 10/04/1860, Oldenberg, Holstein, Germany
deceased 05/16/1936, Arcadia, Iowa
married Christine Marie Dorothea Luchau on February 25, 1892 in Arcadia, Iowa
Christine Marie Dorothea Luchau, daughter of Jacob Heinrich Luchau of Falling Bostel, Germany and Anna Maria Meyer of Neuenkirchen, Germany
born April 27, 1860, Kleinenharlingen, Germany
deceased April 17, 1936, Arcadia, Iowa

Fredrick William Rose, son of Heinrich Rose, Sr. and Kathlina Caroline Lena Schroeder
born 07/11/1874, Germany

deceased 05/4/1964, Denison, Iowa
married Dorothea Lemberg on June 14, 1899 in Arcadia, Iowa
Dorothea Lemberg, daughter of Christopher Lemberg and Christina Bremmer
born March 07, 1880, Visselhovede, Germany
deceased July 09, 1956, Arcadia, Iowa