Quite a few of the Buhmann pictures from the Hoffmann collection were taken in Germany. Unfortunately only the names were written on the pictures but not the family tree connections. One handwritten sheet of information was found with the Hoffmann albums - shown just below.

Handwritten notes found with the Buhmann pictures from the Hoffmann collection in Manning.

Mama, Betty, Ella, and Grandma came to Westside August 24, 1884.

Klaus Buhmann - oldest son
Hans Buhmann
Reimer Buhmann
Johann Buhmann (John)
Frederick Buhmann
Herman Buhmann - note made: first to die - others died of cancer in early years
Henry Buhmann April 29, 1864 to June 1931
William Buhmann August 3, 1870 to July 28, 1935 came to America 1887
Magdalena Buhmann April 12, 1854 to April 18, 1921
Katherine Buhmann December 16 to September 15, 1923
3 died in infancy

Hans C. Claussen November 5, 1851 to October 22, 1941
Born in Heide, Kries Norder Dithmarschen, Holstein, Germany
Lived first 8 years of his live in Doerpling, married in Dellstedt - there for 9 years.
Came to America Westside, Iowa, in 1884 and worked on a farm.
Came to town of Manning in spring of 1885