1916 Eighth Grade Class Prophecy

The following class prophecy was read by Willie Johnson at the 8th grade program given at the Germania hall, Monday evening.

Do you remember that the last trip I took out to Spokane in 1928 when I went out to see George Johnson, the cabinet-maker. That time after the Japanese skirmish when I was advanced to the position of commander in the navy. That was the most eventful trip I ever took for I saw every old classmate of mine form the eighth grade of 1916. When I was walking down Sixth aveneue in New York, I saw a big sign which read "Victor Mantz, Electrical Experimentor and Wireless Station. I had heard about his work for the government and I suddenly realized this was little Skinny of old. I went in and we started talking of old times. We got interested and started to look up the rest of our classmates. He picked up the Manning Monitor and showed me an ad which read "Hugo Nickum, Auto Repairing, Good Prices". He then showed me in the Aspinwall news an ad which read "Capitolia Hinrichs and Alice Campbell, Milliners.

Skinny called his chauffuer and took me around the city. As we were going past a fine hotel we saw two richly dressed people alight from an automobile. Victor recognized them to be Edward Patton and Mary Kortum. We stopped and talked to them and Mary said she had just received a letter from Nettie Mohr, the Missionary to China. Posters were posted all over the city about Albert Summerfelt, the Evangelist, coming to New York with Ida Grelck and Murl Schroeder in his company as singers.

Victor then took me to the depot and I left for Chicago. I was just settled down and was reading my newspaper when I was interrupted by a tapping on my shoulder. I looked around and a young man asked if I wasn't William Johnson. I said that I was and he said he was Samuel Babcock, traveling salesman for Goodrich Rubber Company. He told me he had married Florence Meyer and that Elfert Ehlers and Adolph Schoening had a grocery store in Lodi, Wisconsin. When I got to Chicago I went up to a hotel and found that Lauren Hansen was proprietor of it. He took me to see his wife who was the former Hilda Frahm . Mrs. Hansen told me that Elsa Klindt and Florence Sanders were married to some farmers living near Manning.

As I was in a hurry to see George I left right away for Manning and found that Pearl Rocksien was living on the Parker farm. She told me Phoebe Van Dyke and Lena Unti had a confectionery store where Lena's father used to have one and that Margaret McCullough married a rich young man and was living in Des Moines. In Denver, Colorado I saw DeEtta Buhmann and Regilda Hoffmann, who had a manicuring parlor there. In Carson City I met Irene Mayer, who had married a preacher and was leading the choir. She told me Emma Schroeder was an English teacher in the State University of Iowa. I came near being run over in San Francisco by a troop of cavalry. Among them I recognized Orlie Callahan and Austin Navin. On my way to the depot I met Preston Stout who said he had a drug store in that city. I then left for Spokane.

The old Germania Hall later referred to as the Opera House, was destroyed by fire in 1925; view is from the east.

The sad and unexpected death of Ida Grelck in 1921.

You can find the listing of the MHS Class of 1920 by clicking here

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