As we continued to drive around the area we saw skycranes everwhere in East Germany.
While West Germany was able to rebuild after WWII with help from the Marshall Plan and military defense from the US, the socialist government of East Germany basically "fed" itself and left the citizens to their own means.

After East Germany rejoined West Germany, the West spent a lot of money to help rebuild the East part.

Buildings all over the old East Germany were being restored and new buildings constructed.

Check Point Charley

Checkpoint Charlie (or "Checkpoint C") was the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War (1947-1991).

Even though I took these pictures 7 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, you could still get a feel of some of the horror that the people of Germany had to live with for decades.

This image I photographed in the Berlin Museum shows how close the US CIA headquarters and USSR Stasi headquarters were from each other.