I finished the area with the grader.

When I repaired this waterway the last time I feathered the soil out from the base of the waterway sloping uphill at a slight angle out to 90 feet.

This time there was too much soil to move so now there is a drop off into the waterway.

There used to be a slope to the waterway but now it is almost level from the waterway to the base of the hill.

The last couple of years I have been putting catch basins at the head of our waterways that take on tilled farm ground runoff. This will allow for some of the silt to settle out and also to channel the water into the waterways instead of allowing the water to run alongside the waterway.

Over the years the fenceline has caught a lot of soil. This fence will need to be raised again since the posts are half buried by soil.

About 6 feet of soil has silted into the fence and it doesn't stop.


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