
The publication of this ten-year update to the 1981 Centennial history book is another reflection of the goals and aspirations of Manning's early pioneers. Their spirit -their willingness to work hard and determination to succeed, is reflected in the history book published ten years ago, and is now, more than ever, the driving force that keeps the community moving forward.

That progressive spirit, manifested in the minds and actions of early pioneers, has remained strong and foremost in the citizens of the Manning area as they plan and build the second century of life within this community.

Individuals and organizations generously give of their time, money and skills, investing them in Manning to improve the present and plan the future. Nearly all aspects of life have been enriched through these efforts: recreation, education, heritage, commerce and healthcare. Manning provides a special quality of life, both physical and spiritual, for its young and old.

The Manning area progress from 1981 to 1991, recorded in this book, is a tribute to the people of this community, and to their forefathers. It is evidence of a commitment to life. Citizens are building on a proud past to provide a promising future. And it is that spirit that will, without doubt, continue to move Manning ever forward.