Before Manning was a town, John and Mary (Levan) Parker came to this vicinity in a covered wagon, purchased prairie land, and built their home, which for many years to come was to be known to the citizenry of the Manning community as "Parker's Corner." Here this former Civil War cavalryman and his wife reared their family of five daughters and one son.

German-born Mary Parker passed away in 1907 and John, a native of England, continued to farm for two years, at which time he divided his land holdings among his children. The south acreage became the home of daughter Ida, the wife of Charles Rocksien, and their two children, Pearl and Lee. Son Charles acquired a farm in South Dakota, while the old homestead became the property of daughters Jennie, Clara and Minnie -better known as the Parker Sisters. Another daughter, Grace Waugh (later Bullivant), then lived in Zion City, Illinois.

Mr. Parker was the first school director in the Manning district, which at that time had the supervision over three schools. Several of his daughters served as school teachers in the community as well as being capable "farmhands" to their father.

Ownership of the Parker land is still retained by the Parker family; it has become the property of the Glenn Plunkett family of Corvallis, Oregon. Mrs. Plunkett was known in Manning as Pearl Rocksien, a granddaughter of the Parkers.

The Melvin Kusels have rented the land from members of the Parker family since 1943 and to them, Parker's Corner is home.

John C. Edgerton, D.O.

Continued from page 391


Henry Arp Family
Back: Henry, Marian Knueven, Lyle, Tena; front: Norman

Otto Hinrich Ludwig and Wilhelmine Sophie Henriette (Schmahl) Passick came from Germany and settled in Clinton. They moved from their home in Clinton to a farm near Westside. Their next move was to a farm north of Manning. They had eight children: Detlef, Henry, Minnie, Mary, Fred, August, Ann and Catherine. Mrs. Passick passed away and Otto, Catherine and August moved to Manning. Detlef married Lena Lamp of Westide. They had five children. Henry married Alma Wiese of Westside; they, too, had five children. Minnie married Otto Hagedorn; they had five children. Mary wed Charles Schuman and had seven children. Fred was killed in the war. Catherine married Henry Arp. August lived with Catherine and Henry. After returning from his duty with the U.S. Army, Henry and Catherine were married November 24, 1920. Their three children are Lyle, Marian and Norman.

Lyle is married to Dorothy Sutherland. Their son Ronald passed away at the age of 23. He was married to Kathy Sanders, Janet married Gaylin Ranniger -- their son Alex James was born January 2, 1980.

Marian is married to Joe Knueven. Their children are Robert (deceased), Karen, Janice, Gary and Deb. Karen (Jim Amsden), children Steven, David, Theresa, Rick, Rob, Jon, Virginia and Jim, Jr., live at Churdan. Janice married Bill Lahndorf and children are Kevin and Cory.

Gary is married to Linda Turner. They have three chilren: Renee, Jennie and Jason. Deb is attending school.

Norman Arp married Jean Henkleman of Vail. Their children include Norma, who is married to Raymond Hagedorn and have a daughter Tina; Dan and Mark, who live in Manning; and Cathy, who married Randy Tigges and has a son.

Henry worked for Priebe and Company for over forty years.


William B. Parrott came to Manning in 1893 and started working for the Jarvis Gafford Produce Company. He took over the business after two years and managed it for thirty-two years. In 1917 Henry Brandhorst entered the business as a partner which was carried on under this management until 1924, when Mr. Parrott sold his interest and moved to a 120 acre farm which he purchased south of Manning. He lived on the farm until his death on March 13, 1940.

In 1894 he was united in marriage to Angeline Kenyon. They remained in Manning their entire married life. Both Angie and Bill were active in many community activities. One of Bill's favorite hobbies was hunting, which he enjoyed several times a year in various areas.

One daughter, Ola, was born to this union; she also resided in Manning most of her life. She worked for her father for many years in the W. B. Parrott Company. Upon her marriage to Lional Surridge (Jim) of England, they moved to Onawa, and then Ute for a period of time, where Jim was in business. They later returned to Manning and lived on the farm with Angie and Bill.

Ola and Jim had one daughter, Patricia (Mrs. W. A. Lueth of California). They remained on the farm until their deaths with the exception of Jim, who sold the farm in 1967 and moved to California to be with his daughter and two granddaughters (Deborah and Jacquelynn). He passed away in 1974.

Bill, as well as being one of the town's most progressive businessmen, represented Carroll County in the 39th General Assembly. He and Angie did a considerable amount of traveling during their lifetime which was another happy part of their life they shared together.


I worked in the candy department of the RoberWehrmann Store in the early 1920's, and have fond memories of the store and of the folks I worked for and with. Among the employees were Rose Hoffmann, Elsie Kuhn Hoffmann, Malinda Petersen Grage, Elma Mayer, Lloyd Rix, Harry Rasmussen, Doc Easterly, Floyd (Spud) Emmons, Charley Rogers, Everett Dau, George Lee, Bill Mergle, Walter Hoffmann, Hattie Weibers, Viola and Sophia Horn.

Rober's was a "legend" in its own time with its four fine departments, self-service elevator, and a dumb waiter to the basement.

--Leona Schrum Babl, Rock Rapids

Gaylin R. Ranniger CPA

Continued from page 392

Gruhn Hybrids -- Raymond Ohde, General Manager

Continued from page 393


Adolph Paulsen, Dray Service

Adolph Paulsen operated the dray line, and hauled freight from the Milwaukee, Great Western, and Northwestern depots to the different stores. He died in 1919; his wife Anna now lives in the Manning Plaza.

The couple had two children: Bernice (Mrs. Claus Nielsen, Jr.), who lives in Manning; and Vint, who lives in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

Bernice has three children: Roger, Denison, Beverly (Mrs. Gary Smith), Manning; and Larry, Fountain Valley, California. Vint has a son, Tom, of Chicago; another son, Mike, died at the age of 19.


Marie Perkins was raised in Carroll and graduated from high school there in 1922. After college she returned to Carroll and in 1929 she took a substitute teaching job in Carroll, and finished out the year for a commercial teacher who had been given a leave of absence.

During that summer a sixth grade teaching job opened up in the Manning school. She applied, and was hired to fill the position, which she held for two years.

Since she preferred to teach commercial subjects, she applied for that job in 1931 and was hired. She continued to teach until 1942, and because of World War II and a shortage of administrators, she was asked to take over the principalship at Manning High.

During her twenty years in Manning, she became interested in town activities. She became a member of the Chamber of Commerce, started the Wa Tan Ye Club, a service organization, and was initiated into Chapter IS, P.E.O.

In 1953 she left Manning and moved to Des Moines. In March 1954, she started working for the ISEA and for sixteen years she was connected with the Employment Information Service. She served as a consultant for the student ISEA, an organization for college students interested in teaching careers. In 1956 she organized the Future Teachers of America program in Iowa. Since then, the FTA has become an 8000 member chapter in 226 Iowa towns.

In 1972 she retired and moved to Heather Manor, a retirement home sponsored by the ISEA. She keeps in touch with coaches and teachers and recalls the wonderful 20 years she spent in the town of Manning.


During the past year, Manning's leading employer was the Manning General Hospital-Manning Plaza. The facility had 82 full-time employees, with part-time help bringing the number up to 120. The total yearly payroll was $624,393, with the yearly operating revenue coming to $1,263,236.

Hanson Silo Co.

Continued from page 394


George and Milda Peters, Golden Wedding, 1977

George Peters, son of John and Dora Carstens Peters, was born on July 30, 1901, in Arcadia. Milda Wegner, daughter of William and Emma Nagel Wegner, was born March 23, 1906, on a farm southwest of Aspinwall. They were married on March 16, 1927, in Carroll. They lived in Aspinwall for 15 years before moving to Manning. George has been an interior-exterior home decorator for most of his married life and a long time member of the Manning Fire Dept., for 35 years. Milda has been a clerk in Johnson's Dept. Store for a number of years. They celebrated their golden anniversary in March of 1977.

They have three children who are all graduates of Manning High School. Dan graduated from Iowa State University with a BS degree in forestry. He was a member of the 1948 state champion basketball team and of the Iowa State baseball team that placed third in the college world series. He married Lois Wilhelm on June 15, 1952, who graduated from Iowa Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing in Des Moines. They reside in Monte Vista, Colorado, where Dan is a U.S. forester. They have five children: Michael (1955), a student at Colorado University; Mark (1956), a student at Colorado State; Julie (1957), and Greg (1961), of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and Jeffrey of Amarillo, Texas.

Cynthia graduated from Iowa Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing in Des Moines and is the current nursing supervisor of Manning General Hospital. She married Larry Genzen on August 30, 1959, a graduate of Iowa State University with a BS degree in Ag Education. Larry taught school in Hubbard for three and one-half years before moving to their present farm home two miles north of Manning. Larry continues to substitute teach in the Manning school system. They have five children: Janet (1960), a nursing student at Iowa Methodist School of Nursing in Des Moines; Paula (1961), a 1980 graduate of Manning High School; Bob (1963), Barbara (1967), and Judith (1969).

David graduated from Iowa State University with a BS degree in wildlife management. He is currently a biologist with the federal department of water pollution in Plano, Texas. He married Deanna Grundmeier of Carroll on September 6, 1964, who has a BS degree in nursing from Iowa University. They have three children: Scott (1966), Lori (1968), and Joel (1973).

They are all members of the Lutheran church.


Mr. and Mrs. John Peters Sr., and sons Orla, Gilbert and Elmer, taken in 1940

John A. Peters, Sr., born in 1840 in Meldorf, Schleswig Holstein, Germany, and his wife Elsabea (Siemsen) Peters, born in 1843, came to America in 1866. They lived in Chicago for ten years; in 1876 they came to Iowa and located on a farm north of Arcadia. On September 29, 1879, Mr. Peters, a native of Prussia, became a naturalized citizen.

John and Elsabea had 13 children. Ten children died from diptheria. John A. Peters, Jr., Catherine (Peters) Flintze, and Amanda (Peters) Heller lived to adulthood.

John A. Peters, Jr., who was born in 1875 in Chicago, and Clara Lohmeier, born in 1882 in Washington Township, Carroll County in a sod house, were married in 1902. The couple farmed north of Arcadia for 16 years. In 1917 they moved to Manning and in 1921 they moved to a farm that they purchased two miles west of Manning. In 1928 they retired and moved to Manning.

John and Clara had three sons: Orla, Elmer and Gilbert. After John A. Peters, Jr., retired, their son Orla continued to farm and live on the land. He married Edna Ramsey in 1925. To this union one daughter was born, Shirley (Peters) McCollum. Orla and his wife moved to town in 1950, and their daughter and her husband, Eugene McCollum, have farmed and lived there since 1950. They have one son, Steven, who married Linda Merk. Steve and Linda have three children: Chad, Jeramy and Mandy.

Continued from page 395

Elmer Peters and May Benton were married in 1926. Elmer and May lived on a farm south of Botna, and had one daughter, Beverly, who was married to Ray Schrum. Their children are Cynthia (Wolf) and Robert.

Gilbert Peters married Bernadette Behrens in 1946, and they have three children: JoAnn, Janice, and Brian. JoAnn is married to Edward Ohl , and they have two children, Erika and Alexander. Janice and her husband, Dr. Larry Boehme, have three children: Andrea, Lorna and Courtney. Brian is married to Janet Martens.


Children of John and Dora Peters: George, Jerina, John, Christina, Edward and Loretta

John F. Peters was born in Schleswig Holstein, Germany (died 1922). Dora Carstens, daughter of Jurgen and Margaret Carstens, was born in Schleswig Holstein, Germany on Dec. 6, 1869 (died 1922). After immigrating to this country as teenagers, they married in 1893 and settled in Hayes Township of Crawford County. He was a house painter. The couple had six children.

John (Jack) died in 1949. He married Edna Graves in 1915 and she died in 1945. He was the owner of Siem and Peters tavern in Manning. They had two children: Lavaun of Chicago, III., and John, Jr., of Nebraska.

Christine died in 1976. She married Emmett McMahon and they settled in Manilla. Their six children are: Gerald, Madonna and Russell of Manilla; Bernice of Tracy, Minnesota; Dorothy of Sioux City, and Marvel, who died in 1968.

Jerina (June) married Otto Lonseth and they lived in Sioux City.

George married Milda Wegner and they live in Manning. Their three children are Dan of Monte Vista, Colorado, Cynthia of Manning, and David of Plano, Texas.

Edward died in 1966. He was married to Helen Frank, who died in 1965. They lived in Sioux City.

Loretta married Frank Neslade, who died in the 1960's. They lived in South Dakota. Their children are John of Vermillion, South Dakota; Doreen of Yankton, South Dakota, and Frank, Jr., who died in 1967.


One of the early 1900 businessmen in Manning was Martin Petersen, a dealer in grain and coal for many years.

Petersen, son of John and Hannah Petersen, was born September 12, 1867, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. When seventeen years of age, he, with his sister Caroline, came to America and settled in Clinton County. Three years later, he moved to a farm near Walnut. On March 2, 1892, he was united in marriage to Sophia Boss. Five children were born to the couple: Alma (Mrs. George Kuhse); Clara (Mrs. Lee Strathman; and Harry, all of Manning, and Willis Petersen of Portland, Oregon. One daughter, Mabel, passed away at the age of six months.

In 1903 Mr. and Mrs. Petersen and family moved to a farm one mile north of Manning, which they purchased from C. T. Dietz. They lived at this site until 1920 when they moved to Manning, where he purchased and ran a grain elevator, located where the J & S weighing station is today, until his retirement. For some years his office was located in the rear part of Martens Sundries on Main Street and where he continued to buy grain and sell coal. The couple purchased a home in Manning in 1920 from Henry Kuhl at 312 May Street.

Mrs. Petersen passed away on April 21, 1932, and Mr. Petersen's sister, Caroline Gehisen, came to live with him until he passed way on October 28, 1937. Two of the family, Alma and Harry, are deceased. Clara now lives in Long Beach, California, and Willis in Portland, Oregon. The Petersens were the grandparents of 16 grandchildren.


The Cook & Cole circus started up in Manning, and set up in Lyden's pasture. They trained for two weeks, got their railroad cars together, painted up their wagons and then put on a performance for the Manning people. They came around our section with their 6-horse hitches, training the horses and breaking them. The last week before going on the road they practiced loading at night and unloading every morning. They were here for two years in a row for their practice run. The last year they went north and hit 28 straight days of rain and went broke. But I was about 14 years old when they were here and it was quite a treat.

About a month or so later they came past with their 7 black trained horses and stopped at our farm on their way to Missouri on the dirt roads. -Lester Wiese

Continued from page 396


Arlo and Jessie are the third generation to live in the family home. They were married September 6, 1942. Arlo was born June 1, 1914, the son of Henry Pfannkuch and Theresa Nobling Pfannkuch, in Jackson Township, Breda. Arlo is a vacuum cleaner salesman.

Jessie Sonksen Pfannkuch was born on January 3, 1919, at Douglas Township, Audubon. She has been employed at the L. R. Nelson Mfg. Company for nearly 16 years.

After their marriage at Zion Lutheran Church at Manning on September 6, 1942, they lived for six years in Oakland, California, after which they returned to Manning and have lived in the former Dethlef Asmus home which was Jessie's grandparents. Jessie's parents are the former Jens Sonksen (born June 26, 1876) and Dorthea Asmus Sonksen (born Nov. 17, 1876). Children of the Jens Sonksen's are: Jessie, mentioned previously; Christina (Mrs. George Mohr) of Manning, born November 17, 1905; Bernard Sonksen, born August 19, 1907, died October 5, 1947, at Audubon; Julius Sonksen, born April 30, 1910, died April 24, 1948, at Audubon; and Herman Sonksen (Married to Gladys Asmus), born May 9, 1915. They live at Early.

Arlo and Jessie's children include Wayne and his wife Irene Hartling Pfannkuch, both graduates of Iowa State. They were married in 1972. Wayne was born on February 6, 1945, while the Pfannkuchs were living in California. They live at Lubbock, Texas, where both are employed at Texas Instruments. Wayne graduated from Manning in 1963; he attended REI in Omaha for one year, then entered the service for six years before returning to Iowa State to further his education.

Janice Pfannkuch Heiman was born on May 3, 1950. Her husband is Roger; they farm near Manilla. They have the following children: Shawn Allen, born July 9, 1967; Cory Roger, born December 17, 1969; Melissa Mae, born June 21, 1974; Tonya Sue, born March 8, 1978; and Heather April, born April 12, 1979.

Craig Pfannkuch was born on January 22, 1954. Craig is employed at the M.J.M. Manufacturing Company in Manning. He graduated from the Manning High School in 1972.

Bruce Arlo was born October 9, 1956. He was married to Rita Madison on November 20, 1976. They have one daughter, Angela Dawn, who was born on February 19, 1979. Bruce graduated from Manning in 1975. He then attended the Ankeny Community College from which he graduated in electronics. He now has a RCA TV store in Audubon.

The ancestors of Jessie were born in Germany. Jens Sonksen was born in Langenborn, Germany, June 26, 1876, and died on February 28, 1952. Her mother, Dorthea Asmus Sonksen, was born November 17, 1879, and died February 3, 1947.

Grandfather Dethlef Asmus was born in Witswart, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany November 29, 1855, and died August 27, 1931. Grandmother Christina Fischer Asmus was born April 6, 1862, and died January 7, 1939.


It was St. Patrick's Day, 1925. The firemen always had a dance the evening of St. Patrick's Day. At noon the fire bell rang and I ran from my home to the corner of 3rd and Ann streets where you could see the old hose house at the base of the water tower. A man was still pulling the two cables that rang the bell mounted on the tower.

The new Nash fire truck came from the basement of the Ford Garage (now Plastico) and they tied one of the hose carts to the back of it. They took off but upset the cart rounding the Main street corner. Volunteers got the other cart out and still more got the hand-pulled ladder wagon, silver trumpets, leather buckets and all. The school bell rang but I met more kids going to the fire than to school. We found it was the big, wooden Schuetzen hall at the corner of 5th and Elm, where everything happened, dances, elections, funerals, weddings, community dinners, even a trial for murder. The big building was beyond saving. Also there was Burton Jones, the school superintendent, and I thought about that big paddle he had hanging back of his desk. But then, we were learning all about fires.

--Elmer Mueller

L&M Bowl -- Red Struve, owner

Continued from page 397


Back: Kenneth, Marvin, Earl, and Don; front: Edna Ramsey, Frank, and Irene Olson

Frank Pfannkuch, born December 28, 1886, in Jackson Township, Crawford County, moved to a farm two miles south of Manning in 1939 after the death of his wife, Emma Voege Pfannkuch.

Frank and Emma had eight children. One son died in infancy and another, Ludwig, in 1947. Frank died in Manning on April 27, 1978.

Ludwig's wife, Bernice, daughter Lois (Mrs. Dick Blair), and grandchildren Debra, Eric and Amy, live in Vail.

Daughter Irene and her husband, Clifford Olson, live near Wall Lake. They have three children -- Earlene (Mrs. Jerry Frisbie) of Wall Lake, Karen (Mrs. Dennis Casey) of Rockwell City, and Clifford, Jr., and wife Jane (Siepker) of Carroll. The grandchildren are Trisha, Shonda and Tanya Casey and Shelley, Tony and Jeff Olson.

Daughter Edna and her husband, John (Jack) Ramsey, reside in Manning, where Jack manages Uniongas. Their son Keith works for Manning Municipal Light, and he and wife Marilyn (Vennink) have two sons, Kent and Kurt. Charles lives in Omaha. John, Jr. is foreman for Rauch's and he and his wife Lois (Oakley) have two children, Todd and Renee. Lynn Dean, who is in the service in Texas, and wife Kathy (Linn) have two children, Heather and Eric.

Frank's four sons went into farming south of Manning. Earl and Lorene (Pfoltner) have moved into Manning, as have Marvin and Viola (Kock), whose son Dale, his wife Renee (Brazeal) and son Ryan, farm.

Kenneth and Lucille (Genzen) have four children and eight grandchildren -- Kimberly at home; Bonnie (Mrs. Dennis Young) and children Brendan, Eric and Barry of North Platte, Nebraska; Kevin, wife Bonnie (Hume), and children Dee Dee, Teri, Kirby and Joshua, also of North Platte; and Steven, who farms with his wife Cathy (Bauer) and daughter Angela.

Don and his wife, Kay (Collins), have two children. Hallie and Colin.

Carroll County - Farm Bureau - Cal-Car Farm Service

Continued from page 398


Hard times and high taxes in Germany helped persuade huge numbers of its citizens to emigrate. What better beacon in the distance than the U.S.A. -- with its fertile, inexpensive land.

In 1884, Jurgen and Frauke Pfoltner, with small children Hans, Kate and George (age 6 months), chose to cross the mighty Atlantic and trek to Scott County, to settle on a farm near Davenport. Cousins and fellow countrymen were already there. Here in eastern Iowa seven additional children were born to the Pfoltners.

In 1900 they bought a farm in Crawford County near Manning, which they worked until 1910. They then retired into Manning with Hertha, Alma and Lillian still at home.

At this time, son George and wife Ida purchased the home farm. They farmed here until their retirement in 1945. They lived out their lives in this farm home; George passed away in 1956 and Ida in 1974.

Three children were born to George and Ida on this farm, Harold, Lorene and Phyllis. They attended rural schools and Manning High School.

Harold enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1941. While stationed in Germany, he met Erika Berzins (a displaced person from Latvia), and they were married in 1948. After 21 years of service in the Air Force, he retired, and since has been employed in the Lincoln, Nebraska post office. They have two daughters, Deborah (Mrs. John Hendry), housewife and mother of two-year-old Aaron, and Iris (Mrs. Steve Neukirch), elementary school teacher in Lincoln. All live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Lorene married Earl Pfannkuch. They farmed the home farm for 20 years; in 1964 they moved to a farm they owned, and retired into Manning in 1978.

Phyllis married Merrill Callender. They have two sons, Jerrold and Patrick. Jerrold is an underwriter for Mutual of Omaha and lives in that city. Patrick, wife Deborah and son Tom live in Aurora, Colorado, where Pat is an electrician.

Merrill and Phyllis are presently operating the 80-year family farm.


Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Pfoltner Family

Jurgen Pfoltner was born October 6, 1849 in Schleswig, Holstein, Germany and was a sailor for 18 years. He married Frauke Hoffman, who was born April 9, 1855, in the village of Holmdorfer in Holstein, Germany. Ten children were born to the couple: Hans, Catherine, George, Chris, Anna, Charlie, Herman, Hertha, Alma and Lillian.

Charlie was born November 6, 1888 in Scott County, and married Emma Elizabeth Grau, born June 7, 1894. They were married February 17, 1914, and had five children. Two died in infancy. Florence married Woodrow Flenker and they have four children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, and live at Maquoketa. Esther married Amos Jahn, has three children and seven grandchildren and live at Adair.

Alma married Lewis Schroeder. In 1949 they bought 120 acres that had been in the Pfoltner family since 1918 and they added 80 acres in 1964. After 25 years they moved to Manning and son Lowell and family now live on the farm. Lewis and Alma had two children. Lowell married Betty B. Davis and they have three daughters: Julie, Janet and Jennifer. Judith married James Boysen and they own and operate a business in Holstein. They have three children: Debra, Linette and Ted.

Continued from page 399


Mr. and Mrs. Jochim Ploen

Joachim Ploen was born October 6, 1852, in Stakendorf, Propstei, Holstein, Germany, one of a family of six children. Mrs. Ploen (Dorothea Wiese) was born February 14, 1854, in the same province. They were married November 19, 1875, in the town of their births.

The Ploens immigrated to America with Mrs. Ploen's father, Christian Wiese, and brother Conrad Wiese and came to this area in 1884. They settled on a farm three and one-half miles north of Manning for one year and then moved to a larger farm one mile west of Aspinwall. After living on several other farms in the area, in 1899 they purchased a farm five and one-half miles south of Manning where they lived until their retirement in 1915. They then purchased a home on First Street in Manning where they lived with their son William.

They were the parents of nine children, two of whom are still living. Deceased are Henry, Herman, Helena, Peter, William, Caroline (Mrs. Fred Kienapfel), and Emma. A son, Emil, is living in Culver City, California, and a daughter Meta (Mrs. Fred Moeller) resides in the care center of the Manning Hospital.

The couple have 14 grandchildren, 11 greatgrandchildren, and 10 great-great grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Ploen observed their silver and golden anniversaries and were accorded the rare privilege of celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary November 19, 1945.

Mrs. Ploen died April 25, 1946, at age 92. Mr. Ploen died in the fall of 1947 at age 95.

Grandsons serving in the armed forces were Herman and Harry Ploen, Harold Kienapfel and Fred Moeller, Jr.; also four great-grandsons, Milton and Melvin Sinow, Donald Sharp and John Dee Moeller. Another great-grandson, James Sinow, served in the National Guard.


The son of Otto H. and Esther Popp, Larry was raised on the family farm two and one-half miles south of Manning. His wife, Kathleen, is the daughter of Mathew and Catherine Wagner of Manning. They both attended and graduated from the Manning Community School.

Larry farmed for several years and Kathy worked in Manning until they were married in 1965. They moved from Manning to Audubon, where Larry was employed by the Audubon Police Department. In 1966 they moved to Denison, and for the next two years Larry was a member of the City of Denison Police Department. Larry was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Crawford County in 1968 and served in that capacity for five years. While in Denison, Kathy worked as a bookkeeper for a Denison C.P.A. and a pharmacy. Larry took employment with an Insurance Company as a Claims Adjustor in 1973 and is still working for the same company.

In 1978, they moved back to Manning to reside on the family farm two and one-half miles south of Manning. They farm the family farm in partnership with Bill and Marilyn Popp Nelson of Manning. Kathy also works for the Manning Municipal Light office as bookkeeper and secretary.

Larry and Kathy have two children: Martin Allen and Mathew Otto, who attend the Manning Community Schools.

Larry is a member of Masonic Lodge and the founder of the West Central Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America.


Bill Carpenter worked in the Wilson Bank. He lived on 40 acres that is now the Bunz addition. Bill had Jersey cattle and was the first one to bring alfalfa into this area. No one knew about alfalfa and it had to be introduced to the people. He had a patch of it and everyone came to watch it grow, be cut, grow, and be cut again. Before that we just had prairie hay and timothy. Now with the introduction of alfalfa, three crops could be harvested in a crop that is high in protein. Because of his promoting the crop in this area Carpenter received the nickname of "Alfalfa Bill".

-- Lester Wiese


When we Manning school pupils and teachers marched down Main Street, hoping to arouse interest and show people the need for another school. This was about 1918; for several years, the sixth grade school room was in the basement of the former Sacred Heart Church. Crowded classes 40 years later caused the sixth graders to again meet in the church, this time on the top f loor.

---Alice Grau

Continued from page 400


Otto and Esther Jensen Popp moved to the Manning area from a farm south of Arcadia in 1940. Esther was the daughter of Anton and Anne Jensen, and grew up on the farm now owned by Larry Handlos. Otto was the son of Dethlef and Frederika Jentzen Popp of Arcadia. Ott was a dedicated conservationist. The Popp farm, two and one-half miles south of Manning, was an example of soil conservation put to use. There, area farmers could see the benefits of contour farming, terracing, tree planting for erosion control, wildlife conservation, headlands, and waterways establishment.

From 1945 until his death in 1954, Ott was a District Soil Conservation Commissioner. In 1947, the Popp's farm won the first World Herald award for outstanding progress its Conservation. In 1949, when Ott was Chairman of the District Soil Committee, Carroll County won a repeat award.

Otto was a member of the Manning Chamber of Commerce for many years, served on the Ag Committee and also as a Chamber Director. He was the teacher for the Veterans Ag classes at their inception after World War II.

Otto was a member of the Manning Rural Fire Truck Committee, which gave fire protection to the Manning rural area.

Otto and Esther pioneered the use of electricity in their home. Meetings in their home demonstrated the use of new appliances which we now take for granted.

Early in their farming career, the Popp's raised various breeds of chickens, which won many ribbons at the Manning Poultry Show. Later there were hogs, Brown Swiss cattle, and finally, a herd of Purebred Angus cattle.

Otto was active in the American Legion (having served in World War I), and was Commander in 1945. Esther was a member of the Legion Auxiliary, enjoyed Ladies Night School from its beginning, helped establish the Manning Cadets girls' 4-H Club by serving as co-leader, and worked with the Farm Bureau Women's group.

Ott and Esther dedicated their lives to the soil. It was their living and their lifestyle.

The Popp's were parents of two children, Marilyn (Mrs. Bill Nelson) and Larry. They are now farming the land in partnership, continuing the conservation practices begun by their parents.

Bill and Marilyn Popp Nelson have six children: David, Todd, Scott, Jane (Mrs. Mark Wanninger), Sara and Barbara. The Nelson's live in Manning.

Larry and Kathleen Wagner Popp have two children: Martin and Mathew. The Popps reside on the family farm.

Dick Crandall Law Office

Continued from page 401


Four Generations (1934), Thomas J. Armstrong, Margaret Armstrong Porter, Clarence A. Porter, Jack Nesler Porter

Thomas J. Armstrong, born in Belfast, Ireland in 1846, came to America in 1867 and farmed in Shelby County for 13 years. He later purchased the family homestead two miles east of Manning, i n 1895.

He married Matilda Holdsworth in 1871 and their children were Robert, Margaret, Hayes, Lawrence, William, Edward, Losina and Eva.

Harry Porter, only son of John and Mary Porter had emigrated from Yorkshire, England in the '80's and settled on a farm adjacent to the Armstrong property. In October 1897 Margaret Armstrong and Harry Porter were married, and after several years of farming the couple moved to Manning where Harry was employed by the Milwaukee railroad for many years.

The Armstrongs retired from the farm in the mid '20's and for many years resided on East 3rd Street.

Children of the Harry Porters were Wilbur, Mabel, Clarence and Alice; the elder two passed away at an early age.

Clarence married Myrtle Nesler August 16, 1932, and for 13 years was associated with the Manning Monitor when Peter Rix and Sons owned the business. Later he affiliated with The Telegraph-Herald Publishing Co., Dubuque, and retired in 1975. Their children are: Rev. Jack, who lives in Delavan, Illinois with his wife, Gladys Howard, and son David; William, his wife Janet Frick, and children Steve, Suzanne and Douglas of Dubuque, and Paul, his wife Carole Kruse, and daughter Gretchen, Dubuque.

Alice, who moved to Des Moines in 1945, lives with her husband, Charles Miholovich. For many years, until retirement, she worked at Look magazine.


Albert and Amanda Puck

Albert Puck, son of immigrants Hans and Bertha Goettsch Puck, was born October 5, 1889, in Carroll County. His parents had moved onto a farm two miles east of Manning in 1885 after leaving Scott County, near Davenport. There were six children in the family: four daughters who died in infancy, Herman who moved on to Nebraska, and Albert, who remained in the Manning area.

In 1910 Albert married Emma Kruse, daughter of Wilhelm and Lizzie Kuhl Kruse. One son, Willis, was born to this couple in 1912. Albert worked as a carpenter in Manning for a few years. Then, in 1914, they moved to a farm east of Manning where Albert began a cattle feeding operation which lasted for 55 years. While on the farm, he also began a farm equipment retail business which eventually moved him back into Manning. In 1928 Emma passed away. In 1932 Albert married Amanda Mundt, daughter of Henry and Anna Ewoldt Mundt.

The farm equipment business continued to grow, but Albert was also active in other enterprises as well. In the middle 1930's, he constructed 20 grain bins on the Milwaukee Railroad. In 1937 Albert constructed a service station known as Twin Gables on Highway 46 just west of the Firemen's Hall. In 1940 he constructed another service station on the southeast corner of Manning, known as the Highway Cafe. During World War II, Albert also owned and operated the Aspinwall Co-op Elevator.

In 1961 Albert sold his interest in Puck Implement Company to his son Willis and continued a farm operation until his death in 1978.


The big iron road bridge, which was just west of our farm place, fell into the Nishnabotna one night. This was about 1940; Bob Kuhl Jr. hit one of the iron tension rods with his car, and he and his passengers just got across the bridge before it fell into the river.

---Alice Grau

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Mr. and Mrs. Eggert Puck

E. J. Puck was born October 30, 1861, at Passade, Schleswig Holstein, Germany. He and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Puck, came to America in 1865 and settled at Davenport. In 1885 he came to Carroll County where he lived for 61 years.

Katherine Joens was born January 8, 1866, at Erfde, Schleswig Holstein, Germany. She lived there until 1883 when, at the age of 17 years, she sailed to America and came directly to Westside where she had two brothers who had come to America earlier. It was here she met E. J. Puck and they were married Sept. 15, 1887. They farmed south of Manning where their eight children were born and raised.

Their children and grandchildren were: Julius (son Lurain); Emil (Yuvonne and Dona); Emma Harke and Elsie live at Mankato, Minn.; Lillian (Mrs. Laro) Meyer (Arlene and Shirley); and Louis live at Springfield, Minn.; Ida (Mrs. John) Struve; and daughter Elvia and Herman (son Wally deceased) lived at Manning.

Mr. and Mrs. Puck had the pleasure of celebrating their golden wedding anniversary as did four of their children -- Julius, Lillian, Louis and Ida.


Mr. and Mrs. William Puck Family

William H. Puck came with his parents from Pasahe, Holstein, Germany in 1864 and settled at Davenport.

Margaretha Jones came to this country in 1884 at the age of 18 years and settled in the Westside area.

In 1888 she and William Puck were married and to this union were born fourteen children: Peter, George, Alvina (Ewoldt), Albert, William, Minnie (Clausen), Ella, Frieda (Berkheimer), Maggie, Laour, who passed away at the age of 16, Adolph, Harry, Edward, and Benny, who died at the age of two and one-half.

The couple first lived on the place where the Lester Wiese home now stands and where their first son, Peter, was born. They later moved to the home at the Three Mile House where George was born. Two years later they moved to a farm in Audubon County where the remaining children were born. The farm is now being operated by Edward's son Benny.

In 1980, the farm had been in the Puck family for 88 years. William, Edward, Minnie, Ella and Maggie now reside in Manning and Albert is a resident of Denison.


Willis Puck Family

Willis Puck was born October 19, 1912, in Manning, the son of Albert and Emma Kruse Puck. Willis attended Pleasant Prairie rural school for his elementary education, then Gray High School for two years and finished his high school education in Manning.

In 1936 Willis married Lavon Brimer, daughter of Charles and Calla Gammett Brimer of Ute. The couple had three children: Warren, 1939; Kenneth, 1942; and Peggy, 1949.

Willis has been a Manning businessman all his life. After joining his father's firm in 1930, he became a partner of Puck Implement Co. in 1946, sole owner in 1961, a partner with his sons in 1971, and a major stockholder when the firm was incorporated i n 1974.

Willis was also very active in community affairs. He served on the town council for 14 years, the Manning General Hospital board for 15 years, the Manning Plaza board for 12 years, and the Zion Lutheran Church board for 35 years. He was one of the founders of the original soybean plant in Manning and also of the Elm Crest Apartments in south Manning.

Warren Puck married Sue Miller, daughter of Harold and Maxine McDaniel Miller of Harris in 1964. Warren is a graduate of Iowa State University at Ames. He completed an officer tour in the United States Navy and moved back to Manning in 1965 when he joined the family John Deere dealership. The couple has three children: Andrea, 1966; Nathan, 1968; and Stephen, 1975.

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Kenneth Puck married Joelle Howard, daughter of George and Elsie Kraushar Howard of Carmichael, California, in 1970. Ken also graduated from Iowa State University in Ames and completed an officer tour in the United States Air Force. The couple moved back to Manning in 1971 when Ken joined Puck Implement Co. They have three children: Andrew, 1972; Brandon, 1975; and Amanda, 1978.

Peggy, her husband Frank Osdoba, and daughter Angela presently reside in Elk Horn, Nebraska.
