Manning Chamber of Commerce
Board of directors: Randy Saunders - President, Harvey Dales - Vice President, Gerald Beck - Secy. and Treas., Agnes Juels, Sharon Williams, Marsha Clausen, Ken Puck, Ron, Colling, Dave Rohe, Curt Long, Louis Younie, Rexanne Struve - 1979 President

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Paul William Jahn Family
Back: C. H. Jahn, Mina Meggers, Lena Kuhl, Wm. Jahn Jr., Manda Peper, Henry Jahn; front: Dalia Mordhorst, father - Hugo H. Jahn, mother - C. L. Jahn

Lyle Jahn was delivered by Dr. A.W. Carlile to Hugo P.G. Jahn and Gladys Stammer Jahn in 1931, and has lived his entire life in the Manning area. Lyle attended rural elementary school, and graduated from Manning High School in 1949. In 1952, he and Delores Clark, a 1950 graduate of Coon Rapids High and a 1951 graduate of A.I.B., were married in the Zion Lutheran Church at 226 Second Street, with Pastor Ansorage officiating.

To this union four sons were born: Kim Clark in 1954, Kent Lane in 1957, Dana Lynn in 1958 and Eric Paul in 1969. Their sons were all delivered by Dr. Wm. P. Chandler at the Manning General Hospital and have all attended Manning Community School.

Kim graduated in 1973 and graduated from Des Moines Area Community College in Architectural Drafting. He married Mary Blum, a 1973 graduate of Manning High in 1974. They have two daughters, Michelle Marie, born in 1975, and Tiffany Lynn, born in 1980 at Manning General Hospital. They reside in Manning.

Kent graduated in 1976, and also graduated from Des Moines Area Community College in Architectural Drafting. He married Heidi Ashton, a 1976 graduate of Manning High in 1977. They have one daughter Gretchen Ann born in 1978. They reside in Ringsted, Iowa.Dana graduated in 1977 and married Stephanie Coiling, a 1977 graduate of Manning High in 1978. They reside in Manning.

Eric is a student at Manning Community School.


Gustav Jans was born in 1853 in Rendsburg, the Province of Schleswig Holstein. He was the eldest son of John and Christine Jans. At age 15 he came to the United States with his lifelong friend Eggert Sievers who settled in Westside.

Before moving to Carroll county Gustav was married to Catherine Altman in Denison in 1880. To this union five children were born: Alvina (Mrs. Oliver Bingham), Nannie (Mrs. Emil Miller Arnoldus), Hugo, Felicia (Mrs. George Albert Campbell) and Ella, who died in 1903 at age 11.

In 1887 the Jans family moved to Audubon County and farmed five miles south of Manning. Mrs. Jans passed away there in 1900 after along illness caused by a riding accident.

In 1902 Gustav married Alma Uthoff, and three years later they moved into their home at 10th and Main Streets in Manning.

Mr. Jans was a man exceedingly well known for many years as a noted stock breeder, who specialized in Hereford cattle. He was a life member of the Manning Schuetzen Verein, and was at one time president of the German Savings Bank. He passed away in June, 1934, and Mrs. Jans died one week later.

1979 marked a passing of a generation with the death of Felicia (1887-1979), Hugh (1885-1968), Alvina (1882-1969) and Nannie (1884-1970).

The Jans grandchildren as of today include Velma Bingham (Mrs. John Nissen), Maude Bingham (Mrs. J.E. Halapin), Clayton C. Gingham, Grace P. Bingham, Raeia Bingham (Mrs. F.J. Grisko), Alice Jans (Mrs. A.W. Blood), Robert Jans and James Albert.

Stein's Oil & Service

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Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jansen, taken in 1976 on 60th Anniversary

Albert Jansen was born September 26, 1894, one-half mile east of Manning to Louis and Kathryn (Frahm) Jansen. Lena Gruhn was born near Manning August 26, 1897, the daughter of Fred and Amanda (Asmus) Gruhn.

On July 5, 1916, Albert Jansen and Lena Gruhn were married in the Lutheran Church in Manning. Albert was employed in the Rober Wehrmann store. In March, 1918, they moved to a farm near Dallas, South Dakota. They decided to quit farming in 1949 and moved to Springfield, South Dakota, where he was employed at the Southern State Teachers College. He retired from there in 1965. In 1974, they moved back to Manning.

They are the parents of 13 children. Harold died at the age of 12 in 1931. The others are Mrs. Emil (Bernice) Ruhde and Leroy, Manning; Louis of Garden Grove, California; Clarence of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Leonard of Dallas, South Dakota; Bill of Gordon, Nebraska; Clifford of Pierre, South Dakota; John and Wallis (Deloris) Tonsfeldt of Sioux City; Melvin of Longmont, Colorado; Duane of Ft. Collins, Colorado; and Mrs. Charles (Joan) Odens, Forest City, Iowa. They have 34 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.

The couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in July 1976. Albert is 85 and enjoys hooking rugs, pillows, etc. Lena, 83, keeps busy with fancy work too. They especially enjoy fishing at Spirit Lake several weeks during the summer.


Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kuhl, great-grandparents of Harry Jansen, were born in 1820 and 1821; they passed away at the ages of 94 and 96. They are pictured at the Harry Jansen farm place in front of an old, one-room house. The farm is located two miles west and 3/4 miles north of Manning.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kuhl

Henry Kuhl, son of Hans Kuhl and grandfather of Harry Jansen, purchased the farm in March, 1891, from George and Sarah Nickle. The Kuhl children were Adolph, Rudolph, Gustuv, Charlie and Anna (Mrs. Henry Jansen). Charlie Kuhl later owned the farm.

In addition to Harry, Henry and Anna Jansen were the parents of Mrs. Emma Steffes, Iowa Falls, Hilda (Mrs. Averill Vinke), Westside, Augusta (Mrs. Roy Georgius), deceased, and Alvin Jansen, Aspinwall. Harry and his wife Irene Ranniger have owned the farm since Charlie Kuhl's death in 1960.

Harry and Irene Jansen have five children: Dr. Dale Jansen of Des Moines, Randall of Eugene Oregon, Curt of Ft. Collins, Colorado, Marilyn (Mrs. Dean Stauffer) of Portland, Oregon and Mark of Manning.


Our black Labrador dog Blackie was taken one New Year's Eve. After he was gone two years, he came back as far as the Felix Vogl farm. Blackie was blind by then but he still knew Shorty and the children.

---Mrs. Frank "Shorty" Sextro

Gerald, Kit & Tim Hockett's Collie Farm

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Anton Jensen Family

Anton F. Jensen was born November 17, 1864, to Nicalay and Bethelda (Christiansen) Jensen. They lived on the Isle of Pellworm, Schleswig Holstein, Germany.

In 1870 they came to New Jersey from Germany and in 1876 relocated near Maquoketa.

Anton married Anna Elina Jebsen, daughter of Gustave Jebsen and Margaret (Klindt) Jebsen, September 15, 1887.

They farmed near Maquoketa for 13 years and one year in Woodbury County. In 1903 they moved to Carroll County and farmed the land now owned by Larry Handlos, until Anton retired in 1919. From his retirement until their deaths, they lived in the home they built in South Manning, now owned by Mrs. Ed Dobler.

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen were among the most progressive farmers in the area and later moving into town, Mr. Jensen was elected to the City Council, on which he served six years. They were members of the Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star.

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen were the parents of nine children, most of whom resided in and around Manning all of their lives. They also had 33 grandchildren, many of whom also reside here.

Their children were: Fred Jensen, Mrs. George Struve (Minnie), Mrs. Clarence Grundmeier (Hulda), Albert Jensen, Mrs. Frank Musfeldt (Nora), Mrs. Otto Popp (Esther), Gustave Jensen, Mrs. Harold Slates (Gladys), and Mrs. Jim Atkins (Verna).

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Atkins (Verna Jensen) moved to Manning in 1954. Jim was the Milwaukee Depot agent until his death in 1958. Verna made her home here until her death in 1972. They had four children: Mrs. E.T. Reilly (Sallee), Canton, So. Dakota, Mrs. Carl Lee (Judith), Mrs. Clifford Waterbury (Vicki), both of Manning, and Steve Atkins of Cedar Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee (Judith Atkins) have lived in Manning since 1961. Carl is employed by Hi-line Construction Company. They have six children: Thomas, Timothy, Susan, Shari, Sara, and Sabrina.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Waterbury (Vicki Atkins) have lived here since 1962. Cliff and Vicki own and operate Cliff's Place. They have four children: James, Jeffery, Jon and Joni.


Fred Jensen Family, Taken in 1943
Back: Ellen, Joyce, Glen, Donna, Arlene; front: Fred, Janice, Florence, Phyllis

Fred Jensen, son of Anton and Anna Jepsen Jensen was the oldest member in the family of nine children: he was born June 21, 1888, in Jackson County. He attended school in Codfish Hollow, near Maquoketa, only part time. In the spring and fall he helped with the harvesting and other farm chores. He came with his parents and family to a farm south of Manning as a small boy.

Florence Sander, daughter of Adolph and Mary Stang Sander was born May 3, 1901, at Irwin and attended school there. The family moved to Manning in 1914 and she attended the Manning Schools.

September 17, 1919 Florence married Fred Jensen. They lived on various farms near Manning until retiring in 1946, when they moved into Manning. Fred and Florence were both part time employees at Grundmeier Hatchery for some time. Later, due to failing health, they moved to Eventide Home in Denison for one and a half years. In November, 1966, they moved to Manning and entered the Plaza, living there until they passed away, Florence January 21, 1971, Fred, February 26, 1972. They are parents of seven children, all born and raised in this vicinity and graduates of Manning High School. There are also 18 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Arlene helped at home on the farm and also worked in private homes until she married Henry Sinow. They live at Avoca. They are parents of one son, Russell who with his wife, Arlene Craig and five children, Barbara, Deborah, Robert,

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David, Catherine, now live at Grandview, Mo.

Glen farmed with his dad a few years, then enlisted in the Air Force; he graduated from Advanced Pilot School at Pecos, Texas, as Lieutenant. He went overseas as co-pilot on a B-29, completing 32 bombing missions over Japan. This B-29 was named "City Of Omaha" as it was built in the Martin, Nebraska plant and it returned back home only somewhat damaged. Glen married Lenora Jensen and they are parents of one son, Thomas, unmarried, who lives and works in Omaha and one daughter, Anne, married to Craig Burk, DVM, who lives in Knoxville. Glen and Lenora have lived here all their married life.

Joyce was employed at the Manning Creamery for some time and later clerked at the Hansen-Pahde Store. She married Gerald Schroeder. They have lived here all their married life and are parents of one daughter, Darla and two sons, Douglas and Dana, all at home.

Donna helped at home, worked for Manning Creamery and Hansen-Pahde. She married Marlin Hansen and lives in Manilla. They are parents of two sons and two daughters: Randall and his wife Sandra are parents of one son, Ryan and live at Fort Worth, Texas; Rhonda (Mrs. Tom McDonald) has a daughter, Angela and they live in Manilla; Reesa (Mrs. Daniel Lafrentz) have a daughter, Kristin and they live in Storm Lake; and Rory lives at home.

Ellen attended college at Storm Lake and taught country school. She married Jack Rasmussen and they live in Manilla. They are parents of one son and two daughters: Keith is unmarried and works and lives in Omaha; Kay (Mrs. Jeff VanDenBerg) lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Kimberly works and lives in Omaha.

Phyllis graduated from Drake University, majoring in fine arts and music. She married David Campbell and they live in Greensboro, N.C. They are parents of three sons: James, Charles and Andrew.

Janice did some clerking in the A&G Grocery Store. She married Galen Ferry and they live at Schleswig. They have a daughter Sheila and a son Todd.

Fred and Florence were both members of the First Presbyterian Church. Fred was also a 50 year member of Manual Lodge and Florence a member of American Legion Auxiliary. They celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary September 17, 1969.

Manning Veterinary Clinic

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Mr. and Mrs. Lyle H. Joens were born in the Westside area February 11, 1930, and August 31,

1933, respectively. Their parents were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joens and Mr. and Mrs. P.D. Gehlsen, who were farming families in that community.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Joens were married November 15, 1952, at the St. John's Evangelical and Reformed Church at Westside by Pastor E.G. Otte. They moved to Manning immediately after their marriage.

Lyle was employed at the Manning Creamery Company for 20 years as a route salesman and supervisor. He is presently employed by the Wells Dairy of Denison for the past nine years. Lyle is a member of the First Presbyterian Church and of Manual Lodge #450, and the American Legion.

Judy was also an employee of the Manning Creamery Company for six years as a bookkeeper, and has since been working at the City Clerk's office for 17 years. She has been the City Treasurer for five years. She is a member of the Order of Eastern Star, of the American Legion Auxiliary and served as Auxiliary secretary for 13 years. She is also a member of the Presbyterian Church and a choir member for 20 years.

They have two sons, Brian and Brad. Brian is in his third year of college at the University of Northern Iowa, and Brad will complete his senior year at Manning Community Schools. He plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa this fall.


Chris Johnson was born in Denmark in 1866 and came to this country in 1885. His education had been as an apprentice shoemaker but took his first job in America in building the Chicago and Great Western Railroad. He roomed with Henry Rohr Sr. when he arrived in Manning; Rohr advised him to go to the Siem shoestore, which sorely needed a shoemaker. Johnson did this and worked in Manning for a year before returning to his original place of American entry, Council Bluffs. There he operated a shoe and general merchandise store and met and married Johannah Pedersen- Kjeldgaard. Hannah, as she became more commonly known, was born in Denmark also and came to the United States in 1885. They were married in 1890 and celebrated their golden wedding in Manning in 1940, with all of their children present.

About 1903 they moved to a farm near Pisgah, Iowa, but Chris never forgot the warmth with which he was received in Manning at his induction to the United States. When William Wehrmann, proprietor of the shoe store as a successor to Henry Siem, advertised a desire to trade the store for a farm, Chris responded and they moved to Manning in February of 1908.

Nine children were born to this union: Christine, married to Hans J. Hagedorn; Julia, married to Dr. Charles F. Berkstresser; Esther, a life long kindergarten teacher; Lillian, married to Gail A. Willis; George, married to Catherine Reside; William H., married to Dorothy Zingsheim; Juanita, married to O. Roy Tomlinson; Clifford Manning (so named because of his father's love for the community), married to Letha Boysen; and Dorothy, married to Vincent Lovett.

At this writing, three children survive, Christine, Mrs. Hagedorn, in the Greene County Care Center in Jefferson; Dorothy, Mrs. Lovett, in El Paso, Texas, and Clifford and his wife Letha in Manning.

The Clifford Johnsons have two daughters. Marie, born in 1936, is married to Dr. E. Roger Hern and lives in Albuquerque, N.M.; they have two daughters, Kimberly and Jennifer. Julia is married to Dr. Albert Rothenberg and they are the parents of Michael, Mora and Rina; they live in Stockbridge, Mass.

Chris Johnson died in August, 1947, at the age of 82 and Mrs. Johnson died in August, 1955, just two months short of her 90th birthday.


When a private party was being held at the Sportsman Club, we caught some chicken thieves putting young pullets into their car trunk. This was when the HyLines first came out, and the chickens were quite valuable.

---Lorine Sextro

Saunders Steak House

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Grandma and Grandpa E. K. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Johnson celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary November 28, 1941.

He was born January 13, 1851, at Adena, Ohio, and she was born March 9, 1856, at Milledgeville, Illinois. Both came to Iowa in covered wagons.

They were married November 28, 1878, at the Barnes ranch in Crawford County. This was an unusual wedding since it was performed at the groom's home. Miss Permela Wilfong, a tiny lady of 21 years, scarcely five feet tall, drove to the ranch were Ed was foreman so the couple could be married. Ed was unable to leave home because the evening before, when Ed was returning home from seeing Permela, his horse threw him and he sustained some broken ribs.

They lived on the ranch for some time and then moved into Manning in 1889. Ed worked at the Manning Elevator and in later years was the custodian at the Manning hospital under Doctor O.W. Wyatt. They built their new home on 3rd Street in 1908 and lived there the rest of their lives.

Ed was a fireman and very proud to be one. He was the fire marshal for 46 years. His most prized possession was the 50-year pin they presented him, at which time he was also the oldest fireman in Iowa and had only missed the firemen's banquets the last two years. He was also a member of Manual Lodge #450 A.F. & A.M.

They had two daughters, Bessie, Mrs. Charles Ramsey, and Zada Johnson. They had 12 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

They always held their family Thanksgiving dinners in their home since it was also the day of their wedding anniversary.