Robert entered the US Air Force on January 17, 1969, at Fort Hayes Columbus, Ohio. He received Basic Training at Lackland AFB, Texas. He was then sent to Sheppard AFB
Texas for Medical Helpers Training and back to San Antonio to Brooks Aerospace to receive training as a Physiological Training Specialist (Altitude Chamber).
In July 1969 he was stationed at SAC Headquarters Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska, where he was an instructor of hazards of altitude and chamber inside and outside observer.
During this time Robert attended SAC Academic Instructors Course at Carswell AFB, Texas, and was sent to Brooks AFB, Texas, for Compression Chamber Team Training were
he received the Royal Order of Tank Tigers Award after being exposed to a depth of 165 feet. In November 1973 Robert was stationed at Langley AFB, Virginia, where he
continued work in the Altitude Chamber. While at Langley he attended the Academic Instructors course at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. They closed the Chamber at Langley at
which time he decided to leave the service.
Robert was Honorably Discharged June 9, 1975, with the rank of Staff Sergeant.