Edward Vollmer

I have these 2 pictures of Edward because Arlene (Kuhl) Pershing sent them along with many other Manning connected photos to me to scan from California where she lived.
In my notes she stated that Edward was her uncle.

Monsignor Edward Vollmer

Monsignor Edward Vollmer served as pastor from February 1959 until he died April 27, 1963. He devoted himself to expanding the parish school. In 1962 the first phase of a new addition (12 classrooms and new offices and restrooms) was completed. In 1964 the second phase (gymnasium, locker rooms, kitchen, cafeteria, classrooms, and a music room) was completed, and the old school-church building was demolished. 1963-64 enrollment was 602 pupils. Assistant-pastors who served with Monsignor Vollmer were Fathers Thomas Donahue, Jerome Degen, Henry Weimer, Richard Frank, and Peter Fransco.

From the 1981 Manning Centennial book
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward V. Vollmer, who served the diocese from May, 1941 until his untimely death at age 49 in 1963, is the only vocation to the priesthood from Manning, Iowa.

Many attended Vollmer rites last Wednesday

Final tribute was paid Wednesday to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward V. Vollmer, 49, pastor of St. Lawrence Church at Carroll since January 1960, who died of a heart attack April 27, 1963.

Pontifical requiem high mass was celebrated at the church at 11 a.m. by the Most Rev. Joseph M. Mueller, DD, Bishop of Sioux City. Assistant priest was the Rt. Rev. Frank H. Greteman, pastor of SS Peter and Paul Church, Carroll. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph E. Tolan, Sac City and the Rev. Leo Lenz, Fort Dodge, were deacons of honor. The Rev Patrick Nooney, Manning, served as deacon, and the Rev. Robert Condon, assistant pastor at St Lawrence Church, as sub-deacon.

Master of ceremonies was the Rev. Francis J. Nemmers, assistant pastor of St. Joseph's Church, Carroll. The Rev Richard J Macke, Dayton, was Thurifer; and the Revs. O.W. Koester, Mt. Carmel, and Leo Harpenau, Templeton, acolytes. Preacher of the mass was the Rev. Richard V. Sweeney, Danbury.

More than 100 priests were in the sanctuary for the rites, and 25 monsignors. Approximately 65 nuns were in attendance from St. Lawrence Parish, Sioux City, Fort Dodge, Le Mars, and the surrounding communities. Representing Kuemper High School in the sanctuary were 25 senior students from St. Lawrence Parish. All St. Lawrence students at Kuemper, numbering about 180, formed an honor guard between the rectory and the church for the clergy procession preceding the mass.

Serving as honorary pallbearers were Robert S. Bruner, Dr. Richard Collison, H.A. Matt, A.F. Matt, Joe Gronstal, R.M. Moehn, Henry Simons, Walter Heires, Dr. Leo Kuker, and Henry Schroeder. Active pallbearers were Dr. J.G. Donovan, Dr. L.B. Westendorf, Robert Moehn, Vernis Juergens, Paul Heider, and Virgil Schroeder.

The procession out of the church was led by Fr. Condon, Carrying the cross. He was followed by Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, five women recipients of papal honors, clergy, officers of the mass, and Bishop Mueller.

Interment was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Carroll, where graveside rites were conducted by Msgr. Greteman. The Sharp Funeral Home had charge of the service.

Officers of the Iowa Elks association who attended the funeral were B.G. Tranter, president, Carroll; past president and Mrs. A.R. Perasso, Sioux City; past president C.L Mattice, Fort Dodge; past president, Thomas Carroll, Davenport; Vice president, R.G. Murphy, Davenport; Charles Jones, secretary, Perry; Henry Anderson, chairman, Elks National Foundation, Fort Dodge; Kenneth Kearney, Leading Knight, Perry; Earl Neu, Sioux City; and many other members. Msgr. Vollmer served as State Chaplain of the association for eight years.

Father Vollmer's Rites Wednesday
Services will be at 11 a. m. Wednesday at St. Lawrence Catholic Church here for the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward A. Vollmer, 49, who died Saturday after a heart attack.

Msgr. Vollmer, pastor of St. Lawrence Church, was editor of the Sioux City Diocesan paper, "The Globe," from 1949 to 1960, when he came here. He also had been an assistant pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Fort Dodge.

Survivors include 11 brothers and sisters.

Msgr. Vollmer had been chaplain of the Iowa Elks Association eight years.

The Most Rev. Joseph Mueller, bishop of Sioux City, will offer the funeral Mass and preach the sermon.