Scans e-mailed to me from Donna...

Post office desk used by Ellen Ramsey, that was in the grocery store

Charlie & Gladys

Merlin & Cindy

April 29, 1986 in Cliff's Place

1941 Bill, Merlin, Charles

Always the trickster - Merlin took off his belt to scare us in the desert so we would think it was a snake!

Disneyland, Merlin's family & Gladys, Dave & Donna with Scott & Kirk, and Barb's mother Evelyn

Merlin helping his mother out of the wheelchair and into the boat

Merlin and Donna's familie and Merlin's nephew Chris, Patti, & Allison

Lisa, Cindy, Barb

Ryan giving a tour of his ice plant to Merlin and Dave in the back

Merlin, Barb, and kids - trip back to Iowa

Merlin, Carla & Ted - Dave in back

Daughter Cindy, niece Donna & great-niece Karla with granddaughter Rhyder standing by Merlin

Charlie & Gladys

Rhyder & Merlin

Dave & Donna's wedding - Zion Lutheran Church in Manning
Ring bearer, Curtis Namanny - Flower girl, Brenda Jahn

1957 Hugo "Shorty" Dammann, Merlin Ramsey, Raymond "Wrinklebelly" Hiatt, Merlin "Buzz" Hargens

Dave & Donna's wedding luncheon
Merlin (wife Barbara sitting across) & Florence Ramsey, Betty & Don Maasen, Anna Koch, and Fred Maasen
