Bloomfield, Nebraska - Manning's historical sister city.
As the immigrant Pioneers from Germany moved across Iowa during the peak immigration period of 1880 through 1920, with many ending up in Manning or traveling through because of the 3 railroads here at the time, eventually there was no more Prairie to occupy here so they had to move "West" to find new land to expand into, farm, and start new businesses.

Excerpts from the Internet
The United States is a nation of immigrants. Every American is either an immigrant or has ancestors who were immigrants. Even the American Indians are immigrants, their Asian ancestors having traveled to North America over the Bering Strait thousands of years ago.

One of the greatest periods of immigration occurred during the 1800s to the 1920s, when two waves of immigrants came to American shores from Europe. The old immigrants arrived in the mid-1800s, coming mostly from northwestern Europe, while the new immigrants arrived a generation later, traveling mostly from southeastern Europe. Immigrants migrated to escape problems in their native countries and in search of new opportunities in America.

People often moved due to push factors, something happening in the home country to push people out, and pull factors, a draw towards a new place.

In the nineteenth century, Europe underwent a transformation due to the Industrial Revolution. Economic expansion followed, but the rapid changes also caused political dissention and social revolution in industrialized nations. Some people wanted to leave their native countries due to unemployment, repressive governments, or a lack of opportunity. Others were trying to avoid compulsory military service or escape religious persecution.

People were also attracted to the possibility of a better life in the United States. American settlers wrote letters to family members and friends abroad describing the streets as paved with gold. Many immigrants were pulled to America with visions of wealth and the promise of freedom, equality, and opportunity.

Most of the old immigrants migrated from England, France, Ireland, and Germany. Many of these immigrants were culturally similar to each other, literate, and had some wealth. Most were Protestant, believed in democracy, and resembled each other physically. Due to the similarities among these groups, old immigrants were able to adapt to America more easily.

In Germany, a failed revolution in 1848 and economic hardship caused more than a million Germans to migrate to America in the following decade. Many Germans had enough money to travel to the Midwest and purchase farmland, settling in places like Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Milwaukee.

Railroads made this expansion very fast and relatively easy for these early Pioneers...
One destination from Manning, that was connected by the North Western Rail system, was Bloomfield, Nebraska.

Bloomfield and Manning are marked in red.
While working on the Voge/Lamp collection I ran across 2 postcard/pictures of Bloomfield, Nebraska.

Several members of my Kusel/Ehrichs family made the move west...more about them later.
I also ran into several Bloomfield connections in the Voge/Lamp collection I've been scanning.
To confirm things and find out if these structures still exist I was able to get in contact with the Bloomfield librarian and she has been very helpful and has sent me current images of the same structures.

First, here are 2 images from the early 1900s in Bloomfield that were in the Voge/Lamp collection.

Note the owner covered the horses with blankets while waiting at the depot.

Bloomfield, Nebraska, North Western Depot and rail yard.
Backside of this postcard
Bloomfield, Nebraska
March 7, 1918
Hello! There Wie gehts (How's it going)
Well we are still alive and spose you are to.
Say they are having some great wolf hunts here you folks just ought to see it
They got 5 wolves Sunday
There is all kinds of doings around here.
As ever
Adela & Clara

Adela (Jensen) Kruetzfeldt - husband Harry
Clara (Jensen) Lamp - husband Vertus

2019 view

It was moved by a local family from its original place to our fairgrounds where it still sits.
Bloomfield librarian

Bloomfield Public library and now museum

Early 1900s view

2019 view & same original location in Bloomfield

The city owns the building and does all maintenance and care for it. It is a museum now and organized by a group on the historical committee.
Generally, the museum is opened once a year when we have our town celebration in June then as requested for people or visitors.

Bloomfield librarian

Manning originally had 3 railroads along with their corresponding depots.
The Great Western depot was torn down.
William F. Ohde approached the Milwaukee railroad to buy the abandoned depot and move it intact, but they declined his offer and shortly thereafter their crew started tearing it down.

The North Western depot had been reduced in size when passenger service was no longer needed. When it was abandoned, August Mundt tore it down for lumber, but he pretty much restored it as it was on his farm with 3 walls and the roof rebuilt.
As remembered by Roger Hinz
It is part of the original Northwestern Depot...the south end.
Originally the depot was longer with an upper story for the depot agent living quarters...this 2-story section was on the north end with the single story - as I said above - on the south end.
The 2 story section was removed at some point in time, leaving the warehouse part.
The part August has was originally a warehouse then converted into an office when the larger 2-story part of the depot was torn down.

One of August's sons had an etching made in one of the windows from this depot. Here is that etching.
Engine number 515 is the one that ran to Harlan back in the 1880s, according to an old train schedule.

Etching design made in one of the original depot windows.

Actual original window frame from the depot with new panes etched with the scene of the Great Western.

Here are 2 schedules I have scanned into my database that came from the Orval Fink & Art Rix collection on display in the Manning Library.

Now I had previously mentioned Manning connections with Bloomfield.
Here are some pictures, Monitor articles/obituaries, and excerpts from the Manning Centennial book that show various families who moved to or from Bloomfield to Manning.

January 30, 1892 Christian Kusel, Jr. and family started for their new home in Bloomfield, Nebraska, Tuesday. The many friends of these worthy people wish them prosperity.
Christian was a brother to my great-grandfather, William Kusel

Edith (Kusel) Adams - Bloomfield studio

Lillian (Emmons) Marken - daughter of William & Anna (Kusel) Emmons
Photo taken at L. Elwood studio, Bloomfield, Nebraska

William & Mabel (Kusel) Lamprecht - Bloomfield Cemetery

Edith Adams Dies August 7th
Funeral Services Held at Methodist Church August 9th
Mrs. Edith Adams, 88, mother of Harvey Adams and Mrs. Florence Brunken of this city, and Mrs. Amelia Schole of Beloit, Wisconsin, passed away Wednesday, August 7. She had entered the Lundberg Memorial Hospital at Creighton for care and treatment. She had been a resident of the Bloomfield Good Samaritan Center the past eight, years.
Funeral services for her were held Friday, August 9, 2:00 p.m., at Christ Memorial United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Hiram Lilley officiating.
Funeral arrangements were by Scott Funeral Home and burial was in the Bloomfield Cemetery. Casket Bearers were Norman and Donald Brunken, Dennis, Donald and Alan Buschkamp and Rodney Greckel.
Edith Adams, daughter of Chris and Minnie Kusel, was born in Carroll County, Iowa, on June 24, 1888. Her parents moved to the Bloomfield, Nebraska, area when she was a small child. She resided in Knox County until adulthood.
She was united in marriage to Edwin Adams in Yankton, South Dakota, on July 18, 1907.
To this union were born one son and two daughters. They lived in Bloomfield until 1930, moving then to Yankton. Mr. Adams died in 1959 and Mrs. Adams continued her residence there until 1966. At that time, because of failing health, she moved to the Bloomfield Good Samaritan Home.
She passed away at the Lundberg Memorial Hospital in Creighton, Nebr., on August 7, 1974, at the age of 86 years, 1 month and 13 days. She was a member of the Christ Memorial United Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Edwin four sisters and two brothers. Surviving are one son, Harvey Adams of Bloomfield, Nebraska; two daughters, Mrs. Florence Brunken, also of Bloomfield, and Mrs. Amelia Schole of Beloit, Wis.; two stepsons by a former marriage, Harry of Sioux City, Iowa, and Duane; one sister-in-law, Mrs. Pearl Kusel of Bloomfield.

Edwin Frank Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, was born December 20, 1874 at Eureka, Wisconsin, and passed away March 5, 1959, at the age of 84 years.
He spent most of his early years in Yankton where he also received his schooling. For a number of years he lived in Bloomfield, Nebraska where he worked for the Northwestern railroad. He was also a race jockey and traveled throughout the mid-western states in this work. For the past thirty years he had made his home in Yankton.
On July 18, 1907 he was united in marriage to Edith Kusel. To them were born one son and two daughters Harvey and Florence who is Mrs. Ed Brunken of Bloomfield; and Amelia who is Mrs. Herman Schole of Sharon, Wisconsin. There are also two sons from a previous marriage -- Duane and Harry of Sioux City, Iowa. Besides his wife and children there remain eight grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, a former wife who died in 1905 and one brother, William.
Mr. Adams had been in ill health for the past six months. His death was hastened by a turn for the worse about two days before his passing.
Pallbearers were Galen Greckel, Dennis Buschkamp, Donald Buschkamp, and Donald Brunken.

Manning Centennial book entries:

Lorenz Kelting was born April 10, 1862, in Langenhorn, Kreis Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and he came to this country at the age of 21. He was married to Anna Waswa March 16, 1893 by Justice of the Peace J.M. Ferguson of Manning. Mrs. Kelting was born February 17, 1872, in Chicago.
The couple first moved to a 160 acre farm at Bloomfield, Nebraska, which was owned by Henry Rohr, a brother-in-law of Kelting. In 1905, the couple moved to Manning, and owned the Lorenz Kelting Saloon. The family lived in rooms above the tavern, which was located north of a livery barn. Kelting installed a hand-pulled elevator which was used to carry sandwiches prepared upstairs, to be served at the tavern.
About 1911, they moved into a house that was located outside of town on prairie land. The house was later moved to 23 Ann Street. A daughter, Mrs. Grover (Emma) Bartels lives there today.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelting had nine children, two of whom died in infancy. The others were Henry, Mrs. Lawrence (Lorena) Webb, Mrs. Henrietta Iselin White, Mrs. Cletus (Christine) McMahon, Mrs. Emil (Anna) Dammann, Esther and Mrs. Bartels.

Harry Richard Kruetzfeldt was born to Henry and Ida Wellendorf Kruetzfeldt June 4, 1890. July 3, 1925, he was married to Adele Lena Jensen, daughter of William and Lillian Jensen, born February 27, 1895. They had two children, Luetta Clara, born October 9, 1926, and Galyn Harry, born September 28, 1931.
Adele had five sisters and two brothers, Anna (Mrs. John Lafrentz), Bloomfield, Nebraska; Clara (Mrs. Vertus Lamp), Manning; Ella (Mrs. Otto Lamprecht), Bloomfield, Nebraska; William J.F. Jensen, Manning; Lillian (Mrs. Louie Wegner), Denison; Gladys (Mrs. Leo Dalton) Wausa, Nebraska; and Hubert Jensen, Clinton.

Friedrich Thomas Friedrichsen was born July 4, 1864 in Hattstedt, Schleswig, Germany, a son of Hans and Caroline (Hansen) Friedrichsen.
They came to the United States while Fred was still a lad. They settled in Crawford County.
Anna Margaretha Augusta Thomssen was born July 21, 1875 in Heidi, Schleswig, Germany, the daughter of Claus and Antje Thomssen. The Thomssens came to their new homeland in 1889 and settled at Aspinwall.
Wedding bells rang for Fred and Augusta April 5, 1892, at the German Lutheran Church in Denison. The Rev. F. Lothringer, Lutheran pastor, officiated. Their wedding attendants were Bernard Broderson and Margareth Schroeder.
This newly married couple moved to Bloomfield, Nebraska, and lived there 11 years before returning to the Manning area. While living in Nebraska, they became the parents of seven children. One son Fred died at the age of one year.
Upon returning to Manning, they bought a farm three miles southeast of town and lived there until Agusta's death on November 18, 1952. Her death ended 61 years of marriage for this wonderful couple. Thirteen children had blessed their home during their married years. Fred and two sons, Eddie and Henry, moved to South Manning and lived there until Fred's death at age 93. His death came on August 16, 1957.

Aspinwall Centennial book entries:
Growing Up In Aspinwall

I, Gladys (Jensen) Dalton, lived in Aspinwall from 1917 until 1925. I was only four years old when my folks, William and Lillian Jensen, moved from Bloomfield, Nebraska, to Aspinwall. My first outstanding recollection there was when the troop trains were going east, filled with soldiers to serve in World War I. How sad everyone was. Mamma and many other women and girls crocheted bandages and made other necessary items for the Red Cross to send to the soldier camps. Then in 1918, after the Armistice had been signed, the trains returned. Some of them would stop and everyone was cheering! My dad had the Pool Hall and he passed out many, many candy bars, packages of gum, and bottles of pop.
What a gala time, because the war was over!

William Jurgen Jensen was born July 1, 1867 at LeClaire, Iowa, near the home where Buffalo Bill lived. For a time he rode with Buffalo Bill as a cowboy.
Finally he landed in Crawford County. There he met and married Lillian Brus who grew up north of Aspinwall, at a place known as the Payne Section. She was born in 1873.
After their marriage they farmed in Crawford and Carroll Counties for a number of years. They then moved to Bloomfield, Nebraska, where they farmed for some time.
In 1917 they moved back to Iowa and located in Aspinwall where they purchased a home and combined dance and pool hall from John Brus. Here they had dances every other Sunday and you could stop in for lunch any time. They also showed silent movies. Their son William (Bill) enjoyed operating the movie machine.
In 1924 they sold their home and business to Pete Siem. A year later they again moved to Nebraska where they lived until 1938, when Mr. Jensen passed away. Mrs. Jensen lived until 1949.
They had eight children: Anna (Mrs. John Lafrentz), Adele (Mrs. Harry Kruetzfeldt), Clara (Mrs. Vertus Lamp), Ella (Mrs. Otto Lamprecht), William married to Minnie Westphalen Taylor, Lillian (Mrs. Louie Wegner), Gladys (Mrs. Leo Dalton), and Hubert married to Grace Mielk. There are 25 grandchildren.
There are four generations all named William Jensen: William Jurgen Jensen I, William John Frederich Jensen II, William Rae Jensen III, and William Todd Jensen IV. William III died July 4, 1982 in California.
William and Lillian Jensen's son Bill and a granddaughter Florence (Mrs. Lester Karsten) still live in Manning. Anna lives in Bloomfield, Nebraska; Gladys lives near Wausa, Nebraska; and Hubert settled in Clinton.

John Ehrichs was born August 18, 1877 in Clinton County, Iowa, to John Ehrichs Sr. and Anna Jurgensen Ehrichs. He moved with his parents to Deloit and later they moved to a farm northwest of Aspinwall.
Bertha Schroeder was born February 7, 1886 in Crawford County to Henry and Wiebke (Oltman) Schroeder of Manning.
John and Bertha were married February 21, 1906. They had three children, J.H. Herbert in 1907, Malinda in 1910, and Alice in 1914. They started their married life on the farm. Later he built a new home at the east edge of Aspinwall and the family moved there in 1915. John was a carpenter and a painter. He did carpentry with Chris Hollander and they built some of the barns near Aspinwall. John was the fire chief in Aspinwall in charge of the hose cart; during that time a new building was built to house the fire cart and supplies.
Herbert was afflicted with asthma and Alice was sickly also, so in 1923 the family moved to a different climate for asthma. They first moved to Bloomfield, Nebraska, and in 1924 to Norfolk, Nebraska.
Herbert married Ethel Sontag from Washington, and they had four daughters. Alice was married to George Thomas in 1956 and they have a daughter Judy. Malinda was married to Guy Anderson January 2, 1931.

Here are some pictures from various Manning family collections that were taken at a Bloomfield, Nebraska, studio.
At first I didn't note the studios of pictures when I started scanning in 1995, but a few years later I either scanned the frame with studio name or made a note in a separate corresponding file or in the file name.
Generally the pictures taken in studios outside of Manning had no identifications - sadly even many Manning studio pictures have no IDs.

Unknown ladies from the Iola Stammer collection

The following pictures came from the Schilling collection and none were originally identified.

Elwood Studio, Bloomfield, Nebraska

William and Helen (Langbehn) Schroeder - Elwood Studio

William Schroeder - Elwood Studio

Elwood Studio

These members of the Schroeder family moved to Bloomfield from Crawford County just west of Manning.
William, Henry and Caroline Schroeder are buried in Bloomfield, Nebraska.
William went to Nebraska sometime between 1895 and 1900. In 1929 he moved to Round Lake, Minnesota, and then in 1935 he moved back to Bloomfield.
Henry also went to Nebraska, but not sure when, possibly he and William went together.
Caroline moved to Bloomfield in 1903 to keep house for William and Henry. In 1905 she married Herman Schuett and they resided in Nebraska.
Joseph also moved to Nebraska, possibly with William and Henry. In 1895 he was in Iowa, but in 1910 he was in Peoria, Knox County, Nebraska. He married Amanda Schmidt and in 1928 they moved to Sioux Valley, Minnesota.

Here are more Monitor articles and obituaries:
February 5, 1897

Last week we made mention that Homer Waugh, of Bloomfield, Nebraska, had arrived in Manning for a couple of weeks visit with friends, but failed to note that he was accompanied here by his mother, Mrs. C.E. Waugh. On Tuesday, the lady paid us a friendly call, and renewed her subscription to the MONITOR.
The Waughs still own the old homestead, which is located about five miles southwest of town.

On Homer & Grace Waugh farm in Zion, Illinois

Charlie, Eunice, Glaydus, Harold, Paul, Esther, Lois, Grace (Parker) Waugh
Shortly after this picture was taken, Homer Waugh died.

July 28, 1910 Drowned at Zion City
Homer C. Waugh, 40 years old, was drowned in the Lake at Zion City, Illinois, Thursday evening at 5:30 o'clock, in sight of his wife and six small children who stood on shore. This is the second fatality from drowning in Zion within the present week, the other victim being an 18 year old colored boy named Elmer Hartfield, who was drowned on Tuesday night.
The coroner's inquest was held at Zion City at 8 o'clock last evening, Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad presiding. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death from drowning.
Waugh had taken his family to the beach late in the afternoon and having found a comfortable place for them to sit down, went to a bathhouse and donned a bathing suit. He plunged into the lake and paddled around short for a while. A little later he started for a raft that was floating about a hundred feet from shore. Within six feet from the craft he got a cramp evidently and drowned before assistance could arrive.
Oliver Clibborn, a fifteen year old boy, who was sitting on the raft, put out his hand and tried to save him but the man was just out of reach. The lad is but a poor swimmer and knew that it would be useless to risk leaping into the lake and trying to hold the drowning man up until assistance could arrive.
Apprised of Waugh's danger by his cries for help as he went down the first time, several men on shore leaped into row boats and rowed to his rescue. Others leaped into the water, not stopping to doff their clothing. It was some distance to the place where Waugh was struggling in the water and by the time they reached him he had gone down for the third time.
His wife and children, who were horrified spectators of the tragedy, wrung their hands and implored someone to save him. Mrs. Waugh is nearly prostrated as the result of the shock.
Clibborn testified at the inquest that Waugh had waded most of the distance to the raft as the water was quite shallow. When the water came up to his neck he struck out and started to swim. He was smiling all the time. Suddenly, when he had arrived within six feet of the raft, Clibborn saw the smile fade from his face and a look of awful agony take its place. With a cry for help he fell backwards and sank. He sank in nine feet of water. Mrs. Waugh thinks that the fact that her husband ate a hearty meal before going to the lake may have accounted for the accident.
Swimmers dove for the body and recovered it after a half hour. It was taken to shore and Dr. La Rose summoned. He tried artificial respiration but the man evidently was dead when taken from the water. Waukegan, Illinois, Daily Gazette.
Mrs. Waugh was formerly Grace Parker, of this place (Manning, Iowa).

February 4, 1904
Chris Kusel, who was formerly a resident of these parts but now owns a large farm near Bloomfield, Nebraska, has been here several days visiting with his brothers, William, August, and Herman Kusel and his sister, Mrs. Henry Grube and other old time friends in and about this city.

June 22, 1905
Herman Kusel died at his home Wednesday evening, June 15, four and one-half miles east of Manning after a lingering illness of four months, with typhoid fever. Mr. Kusel was a man among men, always having a good word for everyone, and everybody was his friend. He had been very successful in life and leaves his family in good circumstances. He was a member of the M.W.A. No. 5408 of Templeton, in which order be carried $1000. He was also a member of the Scheutzen Verein and the German Singing Club of Manning.
Herman Kusel was born in Davenport, Iowa, August 2, 1861, and came with his parents to Crawford County in 1874, from there to Audubon County in 1880, and was married to Anna Wunderlich in 1884. He leaves a wife and three children, Willie, Dora, and Emma, and three brothers and one sister: Chris Kusel, of Bloomfield, Nebraska; William Kusel of Manning, August Kusel of Audubon County and Ida Grube of Manning, to mourn his loss.
These brothers and sisters were all in attendance at the funeral. He moved to Carroll County on his present farm in Eden Township in 1900. The funeral was held at the home at 10:30 Saturday morning, Rev. J.N. McCurdy officiating, after which the remains were brought to Manning followed by a long concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends and interred in the Manning Cemetery, south of town.

October 5, 1905 Death of Mrs. Stewart
The people of Manning and vicinity were greatly shocked last Friday when they heard of the death of Mrs. Joseph Stewart.
She had been very sick but was thought to be better and no one thought that her time was so near to an end, but the old must die and the young may. Mrs. Stewart was a good, kind wife and a loving mother. She was of a good, loving disposition and numbered her friends by the score. She succeeded her mother in death, only one week. Since 1898 her home has been near Manning. Margaret (Daly) Stewart was born in Clinton County, Iowa, March 12, 1869, and died at her home near Manning September 27, 1905, aged 36 years, 9 months and 6 days. She was married to Joseph Stewart February 10, 1896. One son was born to this union. She leaves of her immediate family to mourn her loss, her husband and little son, two sisters and an adopted brother. The funeral was held from the M.E. Church at 2 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, Rev. Abraham Lincoln Golden officiating. Wreaths of beautiful flowers adorned the casket and it was a very solemn occasion. The Monitor, together with their many friends, extend the deepest sympathy to the bereaved relatives in their sad affliction, The relatives attending the funeral from afar were Thomas Stewart of Bloomfield, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Stewart, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart of Shelby County, also George and Sarah Stewart of Shelby County, Mrs. John Stewart and two daughters, Miss Sadie and Lula of Audubon County and Robert Daly late of North Dakota. Also Mr. and J.T. Stavely of Perry.

Death of Frenz Meggers. July 29, 1909 Manning Monitor
Frenz Meggers died at the home of his son, Emil Meggers, some nine miles northwest of Manning, last Thursday morning, July 22. He was only sick a short while, old age being the principal cause of death. Mr. Meggers was a good, kind old man and a good father. He was a member of the Lutheran church for many years. He was born January 18, 1836, in Königsbach, Holm, Germany. He was married to Anna Tolk in Germany in 1863, and came to America in 1868, first settling in Clinton County, and in 1890 moved to Crawford County.
Eleven children were born to them, seven of which preceded the parents to the grave. Mrs. Meggers departed this life some fifteen years ago. The surviving children are John Meggers, of Carroll County; Frank, Emil and Gus, of Crawford County. He also leaves a brother in Denison, Iowa, and two brothers and one sister in Germany; a cousin, Lena Wicht, at Bloomfield, Nebraska; also five grandchildren.
Those attending the funeral from a distance were Johiam Hansen and wife, of Clinton, Iowa; a brother-in-law, of Bloomfield, Nebraska; one brother-in-law from Scotland, South Dakota, Hans Dockweiler; one cousin, Lena Wicht, Elkhorn, Nebraska; three nephews and their wives of Denison, Iowa, and one nephew from Moville, Iowa.
The funeral took place at the home on July 24, Rev. Freese, Lutheran minister, of Denison, officiated, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Hayes Township cemetery beside his wife. A large concourse of sorrowing relations and friends followed the remains to the grave.

October 24, 1935 Pioneer Resident Laid To Rest Here
At an early hour on the morning of Saturday, October 19, 1935, death again called in our midst and claimed the life of Mrs. Sophia Anna Kusel. While ripe in years she almost until the last retained the spirit of youth, being of a cheerful disposition and actively carrying on her household duties until partially incapacitated by a fall sustained four years ago. From that time her health gradually failed until July of this year, when she submitted to a surgical operation, since which she has been bedfast.
Sophia Grube was born September 9, 1852, in Edelback, Holstein, Germany, the daughter of Detlef and Anna Grube, and passed away at Manning at the age of 83 years, 1 month and 10 days. At the age of 11 years she came to America with her parents, settling at Davenport, Iowa. On March 1, 1873, she was united in holy wedlock to William Kusel, at Davenport, and soon thereafter they settled on a farm in Crawford County. Two years later they moved to a farm near Manning, where they labored faithfully together until 1900, when they retired and located in Manning. William Kusel passed away in the year 1917, they having lived together 44 happy, industrious years.
Ten children were born to this union, six of whom still survive: Henry Kusel, of Bloomfield, Nebraska; Emma Hansen, of Manning; August Kusel, of Manning; Ida Zender, of Carroll, Iowa; Clara Tate, of Manning, Blondina Jarvis, of Manning.
Also mourning her passing are 21 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
At an early age she was confirmed in the Lutheran faith. She was a splendid Christian mother, a cheerful companion to her associates and a friend to those in need. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, October 21 at two o'clock at the Ohde Funeral Home, Rev. A.D. Steffenson officiating.
Ralph G. Sutherland, Fred Petersen, Conrad Dietz, E. J. Puck, William Nulle, William Sander, acted as pall-bearers.

June 3, 1954 Kusels Observe 35th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. August H. Kusel were surprised at the Legion ball Thursday evening, on their 35th wedding anniversary. The Walther League girls' sextet sang, "Softly and Tenderly," and From Greenland's Icy Mountains." Larry Genzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Genzen, sang "The Little Road to Kerry," and "Think on Me." The Manning boys' quartet entertained with "Poor Old Lazarus," "Kentucky Babe," "The Hiking Song" and "Nut Brown Maiden." Alice Ahrendsen accompanied the musical selections. The reception table was covered with a lace cloth. Twin arrangements of light pink carnations, yellow daisies and white snap dragons adorned either end of the table. The centerpiece was a three-tiered cake frosted in white and light coral with white lattice work. The bottom tier consisted of four individual cakes, each topped with a coral rose.
Additional roses, lattice work and small white bells of spun sugar completed the decoration of the first and second tiers. The top tier was supported by white pillars held by four white swan. A white spun sugar book with the word "Memories" and the numbers 19 and 54 decorated this tier.
In addition the anniversary year "35" was designated on two sides. Bouquets of garden flowers completed the decorations in the room.
Mrs. Kusel was presented a corsage of light pink carnations and Mr. Kusel wore a white boutonniere. The occasion was also the tenth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. Kusel. The evening was spent playing pinochle. Laura (Mrs. Elmer) Alwill was awarded high for women and Larry Genzen for the men. Eunice (Mrs. Hugo) Ahrendsen presided over the coffee service. Marge (Mrs. Melvin) Kusel and Dorothy (Mrs. Amos) Kusel cut and served the cake.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alwill and Wayne of Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. William and Mabel (Kusel) Lamprecht of Bloomfield, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, Mr. and Mrs. John Barten and family, Mr. and Mrs. August Mundt and family, Norman Rothfolk, Herman Grau, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Genzen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lengemann and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grau, Irwin and Emil Grau, Mr. and Mrs. Clausie Strosahl and Dianna, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Ahrendsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kusel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. Kusel and family.

I hope this historical trip will inspire more Manning connected people to get me their old pictures and history so I can scan them and add them to the very unique and one-of-a-kind Manning historical database.

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