Henry Mundt, the son of Joachim Mundt and his wife Catherine (Rhoeding) Mundt, was born March 30, 1849, in Stakendorf in the Probstei in Holstein, Germany. He worked as a farmhand until the age of 19 when he came to America. In 1871 he and his brother Joachim rented a farm in section 14 of Washington Township and moved here in December of the same year. Henry Mundt and Christine Hass were united in marriage in October, 1875. To this union seven children were born, of which two passed away in infancy. The remaining children were: Gustav of Glidden; Herman of Cozad, NE; Ferdinand of Viola, WI; Augusta of Waterloo; and John of Manning. The happiness of this family was saddened when the mother passed away in 1887. In 1888 Mr. Mundt was united in marriage to Anna Ewoldt, who had immigrated to America also. Claudius and Amanda (Mrs. Albert Puck) are the children born to this couple. In 1904 Mr. Mundt retired from active farm life and purchased a home on Ann Street. He enjoyed his retirement by visiting with old cronies and taking long walks every day. Since he had watched Manning grow from the virgin prairie into a productive farming center, he had many stories to relate. He truly was a pioneer citizen.