One on one
By Dave Kusel
Manning Monitor April 19 & 26

No, I am not talking about defensive play in basketball!

It is an 'offensive' plan to get information and pictures for the school history book. Most people will provide information and pictures if they are contacted "one on one" which is what I hope to get started by recruiting more volunteers. We have the basic committees set up but we need extra workers to help out. If you can help by just contacting 5 or 10 people in person to gather some pictures and information, that would be great. Maybe you could call a half-dozen people to ask them about a specific school subject for us. We don't expect anyone to work day after day for the next 2 years - just help out for a few weeks or couple months. You may be able to relate to someone and get information from them while another person would fail.

This same process pertains to those of you who no longer live in Manning. You may know of other former Manningites who live in your community/state and could contact them to let them know about this project and work with them to dig out their school information.

In order for this to work successfully please contact me or someone on the history book committee if you can help. These are the names of some members heading up specific committees who are working on different aspects of the school book. Jean Stadtlander, Jeff Wanninger & Brian Lage - sports; Russ Stribe and Gary Schroeder - country school; Maureen Halbur - former school employee histories; Rachel Hemer - current school employees; Dorothy Knudson - Queens/Kings of school events; Marilyn Hansen - student & teacher names; Lana Ringgenberg & Sally Hodne - interviewers.

Picture identifications
Another assumption made by people is that a committee member or myself will be able to contact everyone about picture identifications. When you see a picture in the Monitor or on my web page that needs identifications please write down the names and e-mail the information, drop it off at the Monitor, call me or a committee member, or send it by mail. Please don't assume someone else will contact us. Pictures without IDs will be numbered on this page from now on to make it easier for future reference.

Beth (Opperman) Kastorff
A continuing misconception is that we have all kinds of pictures and information that covers recent school history over the last 30 years (we don't). Beth Opperman is one of a few MHS graduates who have come forward so far with recent school pictures and history. She graduated with the class of 1984. Beth is the daughter of William & Phyllis (Musfeldt) Opperman. The whole family graduated from MHS: William 1949, Phyllis 1950, Debra 1974, Janis 1977, Robert 1979, Beth 1984, and Paul 1986.

Phyllis, Bill; Middle: Robert, Janis, Debra; Front: Paul, Beth

The database of former school student's names that we have is growing and has become very helpful when identifying pictures of former students. The following students were a part of the Class of 1984 at one time or another: Christopher Brotherton, Darwin Rohe, Lawrence Vaughn, Lisa Gordon, Jill Schlichte, Todd Ross, Monty Haubrich, Diane Altenhein, Mary Blohm, Kurt Heller, Cione Reynolds, Eric Wise, Rhonda Hansen, Melvin Hoffman, Sheila Betterton, Mary Orey, Dawn Jacoby, Troy DeLong, Timothy Rauch, Anthony Kite, Tanna Fisher, Tina Auten, Allen Stecklein, Darcy Hoffman, and Ethan Muzney.

If you know where some of these former classmates live and can contact with them please let them know about the school history project and the All-school reunion in 2010. Below are some pictures of former classmates of 1984.

If you can help ID the individuals with question marks in the pictures below please E-mail Dave Kusel

Darwin Rohe (deceased) - Sophomore

Jill Schlichte - Kindergarten

Kurt Heller - First

Larry Vaughn - Kindergarten

Lisa Gordon - First

Lisa Blohm or Bluhm? - Second

Melvin Hoffman - First

Tim Rauch - Fifth

Tina Auten - Sixth

Tyler Larsen - Second

Past Teachers
We also want to get histories for as many former school teachers and employees as possible. If you come in contact with these teachers please let them know about the history book and the All-school reunion in 2010. The following pictures show elementary teachers for the Class of 1984.

Virginia Dethlefs (deceased) - Kindergarten

Pat Johnson - First

Judith Johnson - Second

Dolores Sextro - Third

David Rogers - Fifth

Roger Erickson - Sixth

Fun pictures
We also want to include fun type pictures in the school history book. Beth Opperman graciously let me go through her scrapbooks to scan some of her school pictures. One important factor is getting pictures identified correctly and have some basic information about them such as date, type of event, location, etc.

1982 cheerleaders - Back: Edith Myer, Barb Zubrod, Lisa Hughes, Sonya Johnson; Middle: Suzanne Bandow, Julie Hagedorn, Anissa Hass, Gina (Jahn) Muhlbauer; Front: Beth Opperman, Jennifer Collison, Carla Sailer, Roxie Halbur

Kathy Klocke & Don Ringgenberg during Homecoming Spirit Week

Beth Opperman & Gwen (Tank) Detlefsen

You may wonder why I'm showing you a picture of a car. We are looking for all kinds of fun memories about school. This car was a 1975 orange Dodge Colt 4-door that Beth Opperman drove while in high school. Beth wrote this fun memory in her scrap book - "I guess I can't complain about my car, it (usually) got me where I was going, even though it has several dents, 2 missing hubcaps, no horn, and no heater." Beth's favorite car was the Grand Prix and Jim Wanninger's gray & black Grand Prix was one of them. Jim was also a member of the class of 1984.

Joan Nissen, Mike Gruhn, Nancy Wegner - One area I have very few pictures and information about is FFA. The above picture was taken during the FFA dance.

Homecoming Spirit Week: Beth Opperman, Jean Stangl, Jo Zerwas, Andrea Puck

Marching Band during the 1981 Centennial parade: Carolyn Bruhn, Jay Curlile, Jo Zerwas, Beth Opperman

Homecoming Royalty (class of 1984): Rosa Alonso, Carla Halbur, Kathy Klocke, Beth Opperman, Andrea Puck -Queen, Jo Zerwas

"Chariots of Fire" Homecoming float

Marching band for Homecoming

Prom 1982: Bill Langel & Beth Opperman