Page three of the Manning Monitor July 13, 2006

Guess Who Again

Here are a few more comparison pictures for you to figure out who they are. When working on older unidentified pictures this is probably one of the hardest things to get done - figuring out who the person is. Unfortunately we run into this all too often when we look through our old albums which is why it is a good idea to get them identified as soon as you can while there are still people around who may be able to ID them.

The boy with his mother in 1981 is holding his son in 2006
Bryan Rohe with Cathy Rohe; Bryan with his son

Carlys Kusel, Scott Stribe
Same family - Above: mother & son - Below: niece & aunt

Jennifer (Stribe) Morris, Connie Kusel



Chris Reischl, Robert Tank, Sr.
Same family - Above: grandson & grandfather - Below: father & son

Robert Tank and son Robert Tank



Dan Arp, Kevin Arp
Father 1964 his son 2006


Dave Croghan, McKaylie Croghan
First cousins once-removed

Dale Reinke, Jace Reinke
Father 1964 his son first grade 1991

Greg Sextro, Grace Sextro
Father 6th grade 1970 his daughter 2006

Jeff Jahn, Zach Jahn
Father fourth grade 1970 his son 2006

John Opperman, Scott Opperman
Father his son 2006

Lori (Mundt) Potthoff, Stephanie Mundt
Aunt 1970 fourth grade her niece

Steve Sebring, Steve Sebring
2006 1968 fifth grade

Todd Nelson, Todd Nelson
2006 1968 fifth grade

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