Buhmann family connection

Delete this post Submitted by Diane Rix-Weitz <e.d.weitz1@cox.net> on 19/Jan/2012 in reply to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Buhmanns and Vinkes posted by Lynne Greene on 18/Jan/2012


I was glad to hear back from you, Lynne. Where do you live and who were your grandparents? I'm wondering how we are related. I remember my mom talking about her cousin, Helen Buhmann. I don't have more than one or two photos of Hans and Magdalena but more information than pictures. For example, I have names and dates of their children since my grandfather, Claus John Henry Claussen, was their oldest son. Two sisters were born before him, a total of nine children. Please contact me at e.d.weitz1@cox.net. Diane

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