Re: Flair box wagon
Submitted by Jeff Everman, Celina, OH <> on 24/Aug/2010 in reply to Flair box wagon posted by joe brenny on 04/Jul/2010
Joe, Just finished restoring a flair box wagon myself, a "New Idea - Horn" manufacture. The little I know about the wagons is this. Horn Mfg. of Fort Dodge, Iowa made flair box wagons, and it looks as if the made wagons for others, "David Bradly" (Sears & Roebuck), "New Idea", which bought Horn Mfg. about 1953, and there may have been others they may have made wagons for - possibly yours...? If you like, send me a photo and I will compare it with mine. I can return photos if you wish. Good luck.
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