Re: E-mail from Howard Erbst Feb 2001
Re: E-mail from Howard Erbst Feb 2001 -- David Kusel
Posted by: Dale
Tue, Jul 11, 2006, 15:54:18

I couldn't help but read your web site. I was searching Schwienhusen Germany where relatives came from and I saw in your relatives the name Peters. In my relatives my Great-Great Grandmother Margarethe Peters married into the Bock family. I have a picture of her with my Great-Great Grandfather Rudolf Bock. I don't know if there is any connection. The Bock family settled in Lansing Illinois not sure of the Peters family. I realize Johhanna was a common name but the picture lists an Johanna pictured as an aunt which means she was a sister to either Ruldof Bock or Margrathe Peters Bock. Rudolf and Margrathe also had a daughter in this picture by the name of Johanna born Dec. 25, 1866 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany she was my Great Grandmother and married a Schultz from Pommein, Germany settled in Lansing Illinois.


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