E-mail from Sue Pynes Woodford-Beals of Oregon
Posted by: David Kusel Dave
Mon, Mar 26, 2001, 20:02:26

Below is an e-mail I received from Sue Woodford-Beals of Oregon several years ago.
I have since tried to reach her but her e-mail address is no longer active so Sue if you read this I've been trying to contact you about the pictures of Manning area citizens of the early 1900s you sent me.

Below is Sue's e-mail message: ----------

I think I met Walt Lage's wife in 1994 when I visited Manning. I looked up a Lage in Manning on the internet and sent photocopies of photos I had to Mrs. Lage and she took them to church and shared them with her friends and later when my husband and I visited Manning we met with Mrs. Lage and Mrs Berniece Spiese and two other women and they identified some of the folks in my photos. Mrs. Lage's husband was a mail carrier but I did not meet him. One of the photos is of Jacob Lage and his wife Anna Klindt Lage. Another photo is a different Jacob Lage with his wife Emma Witt Lage. Also is a photo of August and Anna Witt (Emma's brother).

I do have a scanner and will scan you some photos. Other names of those in photos are: Edna and Hazel Klindt (children) Hazel Lage Ehler (daughter of Jacob and Emma), Lena Lage Dammanon, Mrs Emil Dammanon (Jacob Lages sister), Bill and Anna Lage Mayer, Millie Mayer, Jacob Mundt, James Mundt and wife Mary Anthony Mundt and children, daughter Berniece Mundt (Spiese), Henry Mundt, Amanda Puck (Henry's daughter as a child), John Mundt and wife pauline Lage, George and wife Minnie Jensen Struve, Virginia Ray (daughter of George and Minnie), Bietz Struve, brother of George and Hulda Jensen Grundmeier in photo with George and Minnie, Anton Jensen and his sons Gus, Albert and Fred.
I inherited these photos from my deceased first husband Riley D. Woodford's mother, Lorena Wolters Woodford (deceased) who's mother was Wilhelmina Lage Wolters. Wilhelmina was the child of Jacob Lage and Anna Klindt Lage.

Thanks for any assistance you can give me. I live in Salem, Oregon.
Sue Pynes Woodford-Beals

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