Sievers, Heesch and Frerk names in Manning
Posted by: Lynn Carlsn
Thu, Mar 20, 2003, 08:58:14

I am looking for info about the families of Heinrich Detlev Heesch and his wife Christine (or "Veeden") Sievers.

Heinrich was born 8 November 1855 to Johann Heesch and Maria Grau who lived near Bad Bramstedt, Schleswig Holstein.
He worked at a machine shop in Germany and came to the US when he was about 21 years old. He had relatives (the Graus) living in Carroll County and came to Manning at some point.

Heinrich married Wiebke Christine Sievers 8 November 1890. I am told Christine worked at a dressmaking shop in Manning and had been a pattern maker in Germany. Christine was born in Bunsoh, near Albersdorf, Schleswig Holstein 27 January 1866. Christine's daugter Anna, born in Germany 27 August 1886. I have no record of her father. She came to Manning about 1891 with her aunt Alwine Sievers. Alwine later married Jasper Schroeder in 1893. Brothers Herman and Heinrich Sievers and relative Peter Kuhl may also have come to the US from Germany at some point. Peter Kuhl may have been a musician and played with a band in the region.

Anna Sievers Heesch married Christian Henry Frerk 25 September 1907. Chris and Anna farmed near Manning. Their oldest child, Milda Alvina Christina Frerk was born 14 March 1909. Their son Walter was born 28 January 1911 in Carroll County. Daughter Marlowe was born 18 June 1916 at Lone Tree, South Dakota, and Richard was born 17 December 1922 at Hatfield, Minnesota.

I would appreciate any information about the Sievers, Heesch or Frerk names in Manning or Carroll County. Thank you.

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