Bock and Trojahn names in Manilla & Lutzhorn and Barmstedt towns in Germany

Posted by: Lois (Bock) Smith
Sun, May 26, 2002, 17:40:17


My father, John (Johann) Henry Bock, immigrated from Lutzhorn, Germany in 1903 on the ship Blucher to a friend's place with a Manilla, Iowa address. He arrived March 12, 1903.

I am trying to locate someone who can decipher the name of this friend as it is written on the original ship manifest on the Ellis Island Web Site. If anyone uses this site, please do a search using the name, Johann Bock, and the other facts I have given. Let me know if you recognize or can decipher the friend's name.

Also, I have recently discovered that the Ernst Trojahn listed above my Dad's name was traveling with my Dad. Ernst went to his Uncle Jacob Trojahn at Sutherland, Iowa, which is East of Orange City. I am trying to find out if Ernst was related or an acquaintance. I have an address for a Trojahn in Barmstedt, Germany that was on the same street as a relative of my Dad's.
Also have other information on Trojahns related to Ernst who immigrated to NE Iowa.

Lois (Bock) Smith

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