Hi again,
Manning City Hall has and maintains the original records of the Manning Cemetery and may have more information for you.
The data Ginger Hudson collected for the genealogical society booklet was information listed on the headstones only.
It would be a good idea to call ahead or e-mail City Hall --
mancity@longlines.com which will put you in contact with the City Manager.
There are quite a few Vinkes listed in the Manning Cemetery booklet and 2 Vinckes (Henry & Julius Vincke).
The Vinke first names are John, Auguste, Averill, Delbert, Dennis, Dethlef, Emma, Gustav, Henry, Henry W., Hilda, Jeanine, Julius, Lena, LeRoy, Loretta (Ewoldt), Malinda, Mary, Metha, Odessa & Ralph.
Section C Row 23 North to South
Gustav Vinke 1874 - 1932
Mary Vinke 1873 - 1932
LeRoy D. Vinke 1908 - 1988
(This is also the location of the "Vincke" family stone)
Section C Row 24 South to North
Henry Vinke 1847 - 1923
Lena Vinke 1853 - 1927
Also buried in this section & row ----
Henry Vincke 1878 - 1907
Julius A. J. Vincke 1890 - 1918
The Cemetery information above was taken from the Iowa Genealogical Society booklet --- data was collected for the society by Ginger Hudson of Manning.
Each section is marked A, B, etc and the rows described above start in the North East corner of that section going north to south and the next row going south to north.
You'll notice the Lutheran church just north of the cemetery and Center street just west of the cemetery.
I don't have any Vinke pictures and don't know at this point who has pictures of the specific names you are looking for.
Hopefully some Vinke descendant will read your post and be able to help you out.
Dave Kusel