Anyone who has pictures, information, corrections and wants to help with this web page history project --- please contact
Dave Kusel.Below: looking northeast from corner of 4th & Main Street.
326 -- 302 Main Street
Below: a 1927 Plat of this block --- Main Street on the left side.
Horseshoe bar - longest bar west of the Mississippi
The Bangor Daily News Bangor, Maine January 2, 1917
Deb's Corner Cafe
1 Albert Saloon (John Albert) building burned down including the whole block
between 4th & 3rd streets in 1891 --- rebuilt and is today (2003) Deb's Corner Cafe
2 Buhmann's Place Henry Buhmann
3 John Frahm Tavern Horseshoe Bar (both Corner Café & Knueven
Ins. Building) During prohibition the bar was reduced to one building in the south part.
4 Manning Soft Drink Parlor (Carl Voss & John Frahm)
5 Peters Tavern Hank Peters 1940 - 1961 (Called Hy Peters Beer Parlor 1955)
6 Corner Cafe Martha Vetter -- owner 1962 - 1965
7 Corner Cafe Dave Kite --- owner 1975 - 1977
8 Corner Cafe Tom & Sharon MacDonald-Williams --- owners
9 Deb's Corner Cafe Deb Knueven --- owner