Anyone who has pictures, information, corrections and wants to help with this web page history project --- please contact Dave Kusel.

Below: looking northeast from corner of 4th & Main Street.

206 - 202 area of Main Street

Below: a 1927 Plat of this block --- Main Street on the left side.

Empty building
202 Main Street

Looking east on the intersection of Second Street & Main
1931 Manning Golden Jubilee (50th) parade.
Standard Oil Station on the back right side of photo.

1 G.A.R. Hall (Grand Army of the Republic Hall)
Ila Claussen Rix recalls as a young girl going to the G.A.R. Hall (along with other young girls) on Memorial Day to pick up a basket of flowers and walk in the parade out to the cemetery where the Manning veterans were honored. Mrs. Hod Free (Civil war veteran's wife was in charge of the Women's Relief Corp.
2 Standard Oil Filling Station (Ole P. Lindholm manager 1926, Leo Kerwin after Ole)
3 Loucks Apartments
4 Upper Cut (Jean Wiese Stadtlander)

1 Charlotte King Mrs. Glenn Hopper 1950s
2 Viola Puck Boyer 1950s
3 Darlene Lamp 1960s

Below, looking northwest, is view of the G.A.R. Hall from the backside.

If you scroll to the right you will follow down Main Street to the G.A.R. Hall.


112 Main

Back to East beginning